Maybe not at night?

Maybe I shouldn’t write at night. 

By the end of the evening, I’m getting tired & grumpy so that everything I write seems to be negative.  Julie, my daughter, seems to be driving me nuts.  She’s 24 and moved home a few months ago so that she could go back to school & get some additional training to go along with her BS that she already has.  It seemed like a good idea at the time, but she’s lived by herself for five years and her dad & I have been by ourselves for five years, so it seems to be a trial for all of us sometimes.

Mike, my husband, left this morning on a business trip, so instead of enjoying the peace & quiet that I usually get when he’s gone, I’ve had Julie wanting to "bond" or something!  She keeps popping in to my office to see what I’m doing & I just want to ask her to leave me alone – but I know she would be majorly offended. 

I know its difficult for her too since she only knows a couple of people up here, so her social life has taken a major nose dive, but I don’t want to be her BFF. 

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