
I am sure you can relate but maybe you can’t. I have spent the past half of my life begging a man to love me. Yet, I still sit here today begging another one to just seem somewhat interested in me. Is it that hard? to love me….?  I want to walk away and throw in the towel because I just don’t have the energy to lie here next to someone an feel such a distant and cold love. If only I meant to him what his videogames meant or concerts, or things that made him happy. Instead he can’t even make love to me or feel my skin at night. I am drowning and I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I really want space to be alone and breathe because maybe then, he’ll realize my worth. I just want to feel like I mean something to someone. I just want someone to love me the way that I love. Why am I so hard to love?

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June 16, 2023

You likely aren’t. So love yourself. Everything you want, give it toyourself. Love yourself hard and happy. He might notice and step up or he won’t and you’ll be happy.