the man comes around

"desperado, you aint getting no younger.
your pain and your hunger, they’re driving you on.
and freedom? well freedom…that’s just some people talking
your prison is walking through this world all alone
and don’t your feet get cold in the winter time?
the sky won’t snow, the sun won’t shine
it’s hard to tell the night time from the day.
you’re losing all your highs and lows
‘aint it funny how the feeling goes away?"

johnny cash – desperado

i’m not even 21 yet.
why the hell am i so worried about life ticking away from me?
fretting over missing opportunities that haven’t presented themselves yet?
i don’t know.
i’m going to go back to work. it acts as a surprisingly good distraction.
who’d of thought.


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May 17, 2005

He comes around.

May 17, 2005

tear-stained letter. frequency. the rock is really coming together. It’s exciting. Stop listening to so much depressing music. Give yourself a pop day this week. I suggest Friday 😛

June 29, 2005

Well, you’re 21 now. I’m okay wtih settling down, you know. So we can do that.