“No smart or smart-ass quote here about hate” (Me).
This entry has been a long time looming. I’ve been silently seething. Yep, murderous rage has been brewing inside of me and, if I don’t let it out in hopes of finding kindred souls, I will curse the Universe and no one will be able to do handstands ever again and thus all joy will be lost to humanity.
Fruit packers. Sonsabitchus, WHY must you add one goddamned sticker to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERY f*&#!ng fruit?! In the day when underwear has been able to stop irritating the f*#k out of people’s asses by switching to ink labels, why in the royal apple orchard’s FUCK don’t you do the same?!!
Newscasters who mispronounce words. Seriously, you lot, “mischivious”?!! Where in the fresh hell did you study journalism, Cracker Jack University?! You are supposed to be an example for the folks OUTSIDE of the idiot box, not to KEEP it idiotic.
How my college astronomy professor used to pronounce “longitude” & moved. We all thought he felt like the 4’7″ reincarnation of Elvis – he m̶o̶v̶e̶d̶ tried moving & styled his hair like him. The way he pronounced “longitude” was personally bothersome; every mention of the damned word, he did a rotating hand-gesture & the Elvis hip-thing.
RuPaul. OMG how he annoys the living daylights out of me. I guess he wouldn’t annoy me to no end if I had not met him and crashed face-first into his wall of exaggerated, pompous, LookAtMeImTheCenterOfTheUniverse attitude. Amazing what fame will do to some people who are more ordinary than bacteria.
Repeaters. Am I the only one who wants to blast the living daylights out of the *#&$^@%ing idiots participating in the sudden (as in, the past couple of years) trend of having to repeat the goddamned phone number 3 to 4 times in a friggin’ row on the ever-increasingly long commercials on TV?!
That’s is for today. I’ve released my anger, now I’m going to go have an ice cream bar (raspberry with chocolate & coconut covering, in case anyone cares) while I watch COURT CAM. Please feel free to rant in the comments. Be solidary, share your misery!
I agree but I also have a new one people who wear their mask under their nose and who take it off every time they talk
@kaliko My department head does that. She’s a literal absent minded professor!
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You probably know this, but those horrible fruit stickers are edible. But yeah – ink or a laser stamp would be better. Maybe it has to do with the bar code?
@bitterpill they are ??? I never knew that
@bitterpill – actually they are not edible. The glue used to stick them IS, yes, but not the stickers themselves. The sticker manufacturers do make a difference between “not harmful to consume” (unless you swallow 50 in a row, lol), but the material is not edible paper.
Not sure what it has to do with… but the bar code could also be done with laser or ink stamps, no?
@thenerve I buy apples by the 3 lb bag. I can usually eat them all before they get mealy. And, as the packaging industry likes to put it, “They are not labelled for individual sale.”
@thenerve I think it could be done with a laser or ink now that you mention it — on light colored fruit. But dark fruit, like red apples would be harder if not impossible to read, maybe due to low contrast.
@bitterpill – They can use white ink then
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Webster – A cute TV child star from the mid 80’s, played by Emmanuel Lewis. He was exploited and he didn’t give a shit because he was paid to do it all. Where is he now?
Bob Geldof – Absolute hypocrite. Goes on about saving people from starvation and calls upon teenagers and unemployed people with minimal disposable income to do it, yet he travels the world in first class planes and lives the life of Riley. Plus he is a dangerous mofo whom you don’t want to mess about with. Notice that three people whom he was close to have all tragically died, the last two via suicide? I love his music, but as a person he needs to practice what he preaches.
Frank Walker – Non-Aussies would probably have no idea who he is. He is a self-promoting tiles salesman whose adverts are constantly heard on the airwaves on commercial radio. “Hellllloooooooo, Frank Walker from National Tiiiiiiiles here!”
Clive Palmer and Gina Rinehart – Disgustingly bloated, over priviliged fat cats who are constantly bitching about how shit the government is and yet they are no better. Clive Palmer is a former National Party member who has started up his own political party the UPC as an ‘alternative’ to the ALP, LNP and Greens. Mate, instead of dissing other parties, tell us what YOU are going to do if we are to elect you. Karma = Watch over your own corpse, NOT other people’s!
Cane toads – horrible creatures who actually deserve to be mistreated. They are ugly, poisonous creatures that can kill you if you pick them up and secrete their poison onto your hands. Originally introduced into Australia to deal with parasites that were destroying sugar cane plantations, instead they became a bigger menace. They were a favourite critter for former ultra conservative Premier Sir Joh-Bjelke Peterson, and for a while there was a satirical newspaper published in the mid 80’s called The Cane Toad Times which shone a light on his party’s nefarious deeds.
Political correctness – Political correctness is an even worse pandemic than the Corona virus. Even though it has been around in human history for a long time, it’s only recently since the early 80’s that it’s taken a stronghold in modern human society. And to make it worse, the people who embrace and propagate this form of cultural Nazism the most are university students and graduates. I believe in being respectful and morally right, rather than conforming to socio-political trends that are not grounded in common sense. Charlton Heston’s speech “Winning The Cultural War” at Harvard University in 1999 is one of the greatest modern motivational speeches. Even though I don’t support the NRL or the Republican party, people should be allowed freedom of speech as long as it’s true and correct.
Censorship – except for lies, violent porn, child pornography, scams, how to conduct terrorist attacks, how to build atomic bombs, misinformation about the Corona virus. Everything else should be open season. You don’t like what you see or hear on the TV or radio, then turn the channel or station over or switch it off. No point in causing an uproar in the streets just because your pre-teen or sub-teen kids have seen Janet Jackson’s nipple on live TV, or some rock or pop song contains words like ‘shit’, ‘fuck’, ‘cocksucker’, ‘motherfucker’, ‘spoon’, ‘let’s go brandon’, ‘wap’, ‘Donald Trump’, ‘cunt’, ‘nigger’. Kids hear far worse stuff in their own school playgrounds.
Religious/spiritual abuse. Especially shit like ‘love bombing’, money laundering, child sexual abuse, adultery, embezzlement, legalism, racism, sexism, gymnophobia, homophobia, heterosexism, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (the one sin that cannot be forgiven, which is calling Jesus demonic).
Mockery of Christianity in popular music. Why single Christianity out? Why not write songs that mock Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Krishna Consciousness as well? Rock’n’roll and pop music was started by Christians in the first place (see Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Elvis Presley).
Junk food promoted to kids. Hamburgers don’t grow in hamburger patches, kids. Ronald has lied to you. Why not get the vegan movement to have more leeway in youth media and make healthy eating cool and hip for kids and families instead of eating dead cows, dead pigs, dead chickens and dead bread buns?
Football “stars” – Football and rugby need to be banned. Their players are often appalling role models for young, impressionable children. Any sports star who gets involved in scandals, especially where abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs, domestic violence, adultery is concerned needs to be dropped from their team and legally banned from ever taking part in the sporting world again. Encourage young boys to do stuff like ballet, pentanque, archery, tennis, lawn bowls, croquet, darts, snooker/pool, and debating. Might is NOT right!
Animal cruelty (except for cane toads, mosquitos, magpies). Wearing dead animals is a no-no for me. Testing on them for experiments and product safety, ditto. But where Queensland seafood is concerned, I’m stumped. Fish and crustaceans are cold-blooded animals so they feel as much pain as warm blooded animals. Even then, you can now get vegan seafood substitutes (although vegan fish fingers apparently leave a bit to be desired).
Russia. Why can’t it keep itself to itself and not interfere with other countries? Mind your own business, and start criminalizing homophobia and hate crimes towards LGBTIQ people in your country.
Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. Get with the modern world and start criminalizing sexism and misogyny, as well as legalizing public nudity for everyone as long as it’s in a non-sexual context. Europe and the UK have done so and they doing fine.
Scammers (especially telemarketers). The governments around the world need to put a whole kibosh on the telemarketing industry. Bring back the old door-to-door salespeople and charity stalls in shopping centers. I once got a call from an Indian woman who claimed she was from ‘Windows’ and offered to fix my computer for $2000. Instead of getting angry, I talked dirty to her and she hung up on me. I show no mercy for telemarketers, especially if they are foreigners calling Australian numbers.
Downloads/streaming music and videos. Largely for lazy arsed people who can’t be bothered to get off their butts and mobile devices and take a walk to the local music shop or video shop/library and buy or hire out a physical LP/CD/DVD/VHS tape. Fortunately, vinyl and cassette are coming back into vogue with The Kids again now. But I’d like to see the record companies put the prices down for them in order to get people buying them more. Especially as streaming and downloading takes up more of a carbon footprint than manufacturing a physical release. Downloading and streaming should only be done for stuff like gigs when a viewer either can’t attend due to health reasons or they don’t live in the town or country where it’s taking place, or better still get someone to video tape it and put it up on YouTube. If you want portable music, just get a cassette walkman or a portable DVD player that you can just sling around your waist and enjoy the vibes when out on a morning walk or jog.
People who take mobile phones to gigs and record the entire show. Enjoy the show FFS. Get up and dance. Wave your lighters in the air when the musos do ballads. Mosh when they do fast and furious numbers. If you must take photos, use a disposable film camera.
Mobile phones with no answering service linked to them. I need to leave the caller an urgent message and their phone is off. Like, what am I supposed to do? Put a voice message on your phones you idiots if you can’t always be around for people to reach you.
Anonymous caller ID. I want to know who is calling me. Sorry, I don’t answer anonymous calls unless they are from an important business or organization which advises they will be calling me anonymously shortly.
Australian musicians not getting enough priority on Australian radio and media. The Australian music industry is prepared to shell out a couple of million dollars to bring Guns n’ Roses out to Australia, meanwhile a lot of our local musicians are doing it tough with lack of gigs, radio airplay and TV exposure and some have to burn their furniture to keep them warm at night during the winter months.
Wearing a face mask incorrectly or wearing one when it’s not necessary. Self explanatory.
Swimwear – the most useless form of apparel, ever. The only appropriate way to swim is in your birthday suit, not a swimsuit. Once you’ve swum nude, you’ll never want to wear one ever again.
Some of these ‘topfree’ or ‘free the nipple’ activists who bitch and whine about guys looking at them. Sorry girls, public places are not ‘safe spaces’. If you don’t want guys to look at you, have your meetups indoors. You have body parts that endear guys to you, young and old alike. Deal with it. As long as they behave in a respectful and gentlemanly manner towards you whilst you are topless in public, then there’s no problem. If they give you shit, then yell “Fuck off, little dick!” at them. When you start talking about their penises, guys get very uncomfortable. Except me. I’m not well hung, and I’m proud of it! Not afraid of the truth.
Cigarette smoking in public. Why not build smokers clubs on the never never and shunt them off to them to practice their filthy habit? Why should they expose kids to such disgusting behaviour? If you’re stressed, then learn to pray or meditate. Tobacco actually contributes to stress by raising blood pressure and heart rate.
Ads on radios and websites. Why not start off radio stations that are purely adverts only, as well as websites? Keep them on there. The rest of the population don’t need to hear or see them, thank you very much.
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