Four jobs…one is fake.

People don’t leave bad jobs… they leave bad bosses.
Hear well, ye who have eyes, for thine clves are amid!
Job A: horse-stable mucker. Official title, Yearling Equine Stablehand. I cleaned 30 stables a day; ultimate weight-loss routine! It sounds easy (beh, she’s just cleaning horse poop), but it’s definitely not scooping and cleaning the litter box! Bonus? Part of my actual job was to ride (I also got to groom, bathe and train young horses). I left because it paid poop.
Job B: script and subtitle translator – official title, Translation Register Update Editor. I get to familiarize myself with different cultures, languages, and I watch movies before they come out, to supervise the accuracy of dubbed or subtitled versions. Bonus? I’ve become an expert at how to curse in a ton of languages. I have not left – I do it on my time off.
Job C: FBI linguist – official title, Forensic Analysis Key-records Examiner. I translated documents & recordings having to do w/counterintelligence, threats & cybercrime. Fun but stressful. You sign NDAs prior to working, & the background check is no joke. Bonus? 10-12 hour days, 3 days a week, so, lots of free time I left because it was a contract position.
Job D: Paralegal! Official title, Framework And Contracts Tracker. I did the same thing as a junior attorney, w/contracts only: I drafted & negotiated contracts, ensured signatures, & prepared stuff needed for government litigation & entertainment shoots. Bonus? Met celebs! I left for a better opportunity as something else cited in this entry
Job c fake one?
@kaliko – Indeed
Not completely fake but one I don’t do all the time, so I used that one as the fake one.
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FBI linguist?
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A friend of mine does Job A on the side to be able to ride the horses. It’s definitely not easy, but it’s a dream job if you love horses.
@queenofegypt – It really is a dream job! I love horses. Ride since I was 3. I work now for some private clients for whom I sit on the weekends or on assignment – they pay me but that’s an added boon
@thenerve It just seemed the least plausible. But! That’s not saying it couldn’t be true!
@queenofegypt – That’s the one. Not actually completely fake but I used it as such because I don’t do it often.
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@chattykat, @littleavocado, @queenofegypt, what made y’all guess C?
@thenerve FBI linguist is a heavy job where you have to be highly skilled, not that you aren’t.. C is farfetched.
@littleavocado – Well, let’s see, do 25+ years as an actual linguist in over 30 industries, count as “highly skilled” for you?
Why far-fetched, because we’re used to the TV’s idea of the FBI (and I assure you, it’s nothing at all like it)? While I DID use this one as a “fake”, I did so because I am not an *employee* of the FBI, but I do contract linguistic work for them. I was hoping you guys would be able to tell me if you found the clues I hid in each position that told you which one was fake and which where not 
@thenerve You hid them well my dear.
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And don’t leave us hanging! I’m dying to know the answer over here.
@queenofegypt – You got it right
It’s not completely fake because I do contract work for them once in a while, but I am not an employee, just an independent contractor).
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I’m going to assume that you were never an FBI linguist, although you have mentioned that being a linguist would be your dream job.
@justamillennial – It *has* been my dream job for the past 25 years
but you got it right
It’s not totally fake (I do contract work for them, but I am just an independent contractor).
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I read your notes, so I know C is the fake one, but it’s absolutely fascinating too. If I had read about your background, as noted to littleavocado, I would have definitely included C as one of your “real” jobs. All of your jobs are very interesting.
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