…an appointment with Death…
I called multiple times to cancel it… but she did not pick up the phone.
I’m sorry I could not fix you this time around.
Please don’t end our relationship… stick around after you’re gone. I need you.
I called multiple times to cancel it… but she did not pick up the phone.
I’m sorry I could not fix you this time around.
Please don’t end our relationship… stick around after you’re gone. I need you.
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Thanks. Sorely needed. The vet made me sad(der) when she said if not for the current situation, she’d give me one physically.
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What a beautiful fur baby. I am so sorry for your loss
sending the biggest hugs.
V.E. xxx
@volcanicerruption – Thank you so much.
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Oh, that’s so hard. Much love to you.
Thanks. It really, truly is. It’s impossible.
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Oh, sending my thoughts of compassion. Losing our animal family is so painful. He was so lucky to have you, to be so well loved…
Thank you so much.
** I ** was the lucky one.
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Sorry for your loss, losing a pet is as hard as losing a person.
Thanks. That’s because they ARE persons. They just look different.
@thenerve agreed and still family
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Im so sorry! **hugs**
@sparklethewingbug – Thank you. He used to give those to me, daily, when I came home. Literally – he’d jump up to be carried, and once up, he’d throw both his paws around my neck. That alone is already proving to be a bitch to live without…
@thenerve That is the sweetest thing, I can empathize. My boy dog used to do the same to me when I would walk thru the door <3
@sparklethewingbug – They’re like a tattoo… impossible to take off even if you can’t see it.
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Hugs. They leave such a big hole when they go.
@ghostdancer – Thank you. Yes, they do… especially after almost 20 years.
@thenerve Oh yes indeed. I had my Charlie for 1 month short of 20 years. She was a Maine Coon so we had nice conversations all the time. I was single so it was just her & me — “two old ladies together”, it was like losing a spouse & it took me years to be able to talk about it without bursting into tears. I have two now, and Marty (the boy) is part Maine Coon — tufts & a mouth that won’t quit. But as much as I love him, Charlie is still the cat of my heart, & always will be.
@ghostdancer – Oh, I feel you… he sounds incredible. I’ve never had a MC – always had a variety… but my two Siameses, man… I have no heart left, because they took it. The bond I formed with those two (Ja and his brother, gone 3 yrs earlier) is beyond anything I had ever imagined. Both also impressive conversationalists!
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Big hugs! Sorry about your kitty boo! Such a lovely looking spirit. <3
@orangelady – Thanks. If only I could put into words what it all feels like… :
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I’m so sorry to hear of this? How are you doing?
@oswego Thanks… I feel like a caged animal and a robot at the same time. The level of anxiety is unbelievable – it’s like that whenever I’m awake, I don’t know what to do with the space, it suddenly seems too big, too small. I don’t know how much sense that makes.
@thenerve It does make sense. That’s what often happens when you experience a severe loss.
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