Warmness on the Soul

All I wanted to do tonight was watch a couple of movies (first time in like a month I’ve felt like watching anything at home) and go to bed, then sleep for about a week.  But what happened?  I watched those movies, got in bed, and immediately had this feeling that I was in no way about to get any sleep.  I have no idea why!  I’m exhausted!  Maybe it’s some effect of the Taco Bell I had at about 9:30pm on the way home from [who cares what it rhymes with, I hate it].  Maybe it’s because my head sorta hurts.  Maybe it’s too hot in here.  Who knows why, but it’s happening, so here I am typing some random entry at 2 in the morning.  At least I’m off for the next two days.  I’m pretty seriously considering putting in some job applications, because stuff at the ol’ Gallery of Suicide feels like it’s getting closer to the center of the whirlpool every day. 

I did watch two movies earlier.  Those were: 

Let the Right One In: A Swedish movie about a bullied little boy who meets a little girl who’s a damn vampire and learns a little bit about self-confidence and friendship.  He also learns a bit about hitting his bully in the ear with a big orange stick.  It was rather good, and not like anything I’ve ever seen before.  Several of my customers watched it before I did, and told me they didn’t like it.  They just don’t have the refined palate I have.  They should probably just rent John Carpenter’s Vampires instead.  Not that I don’t like that movie a whole lot, but I think that’s more what people expect.

Zack and Miri.  That’s the title on the box; I’m not sure when "Make a Porno" got dropped.  It’s still on the title screen.  Maybe that’s just the Wal-mart version (since that’s where we got ours.)  I wasn’t originally intending to ever watch the thing, but I decided I owed it to Kevin Smith since I’m so fond of pretty much all his other movies (except Vulgar.)  And yes, it does have quite a lot of nudity, since, you know, the characters are making an adult film in order to sell it and make money to pay the rent.  But damn if Smith didn’t manage to sneak a touching story in there. 

I have also rented a movie called Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer, but I’m not sure when I’ll get around to watching that one.  I’ll say something about it after I do. 

"The walls come down like thunder, the rock’s about to roll!  It’s the Arockalypse, now bear your soul!"


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April 15, 2009

‘Make a Porno’ is dropped from all the boxes 🙂 And i have no idea why, but im glad someone else caught that. My favorite part is at the end when they are talking about the ‘dutch rudder’ LOL. We talk about it all the time at work.

April 15, 2009

Remember when we were at AWA and decided we were too exhausted to further participate in the convention? We went back to the hotel expecting to sleep, but couldn’t despite our exhaustion. Maybe it’s like that. And I’d, well, I’d not *kill* or anything for a job back home, but I’d do some serious *stuff*.

April 15, 2009

I keep hearing great things about Let the Right One In. I just bumped it up a couple notches on my Netflix. I wasn’t a huge fan of Zach and Miri. It was good enough, but not memorable. It didn’t feel like a Kevin Smith movie to me. It felt like just another Seth Rogan movie.

April 15, 2009

Ah, I can’t believe I missed those Lordi lyrics the first time! Good stuff.