Up Around the Bend

The Mighty has been gone since Wednesday afternoon, and has offically been home for an hour and a half now.  The 6 hour drive was actually not too bad– we managed to avoid any nasty situations on either trip. 

We had a great time.  Our friends and we (that sounds like terrible grammar, but everything I can come up with thinks it’s correct) found a big Asian grocery store up there, and I believe I spent about $30 on a Japanese snack called daifuku, which is a smooshy little rice flour bun, in this case with flavored jam inside.  I think melon is my favorite, but the strawberry ones started the whole thing almost three years ago.  When we went to the anime convention in Atlanta in 2006, a guy in a ninja mask at a random booth in the dealer’s room let us have one for free, saying, "Delicious huh?  Is that not like eating a rabbit’s soul?" in reference to the fact that it was small, soft, and pink. I think Jordan bought every flavor he could find after that.  I know he’s been hoping to find some ever since, so I plan to take some to his house later this week. 

I really don’t have much to show for my trip, but it was the closest thing to a real vacation I’ve ever had.  I did buy some neat books, including some D&D books that are older than me, at an awesome used book store.  I wish we had the like of it here at home. 

Mostly though, I’m just thrilled I got to spend 5 days with Minnie without having to worry about her mother calling every ten minutes trying to guilt-trip her into coming home as quickly as possible, as well as with good friends.

Oh, I almost forgot.  While we were there, we watched several movies.  During one– a particularly entertaining British comedy called Keeping Mum— I joked a little about all the "religions" that can make you an ordained minister or priest in a few minutes online, mentioning specifically the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  Minnie couldn’t help herself, and got online to find out if she could hook that up.  The FSM was a dead end, since apparently that they are a farce, picking on the believers of "intelligent design".  So, while the whole thing is smart and hilarious, they aren’t actually established as a religion, and thusly can’t legally ordain anybody.  But the next day she found one that I couldn’t resist– The Church of the Latter-day Dude.  So, being such a big fan of The Big Lebowski and such a big fan of takin’ it easy, I became an ordained Priest of Dudeism.  I dropped a little cheese on the optional "ordination kit," which comes with a much nicer certificate than we could have printed ourselves, a letter of good standing, and an official "Priest of Dudeism" patch.  So pretty soon I’ll be able to legally marry people, that is, preside over weddings.  I think I could actually do so now, but I’d rather wait for my package.  Any takers? 

In the meantime, "Just take it easy, man."  The Mighty abides.

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July 1, 2009

Haha. That’s awesome. I bet it’d be pretty easy to get a real one done too. It’s pretty quick to get some that can legally preform weddings.

July 1, 2009

Glad you had a good time 🙂 sorry ive been scarce. very very hectic lately… hope to update soon.

July 2, 2009

Glad to know you had a good time. I was worried that you were sorta bored since I’m lame and can only come up with driving around, playing video games, and watching movies. Remember how we figured they made dolls of CJ7? http://www.sstechasia.com/productpage.cj7.html

July 2, 2009

RYN: Transformers was awesome! Although, I am still quite upset with God for not making me look like Megan Fox…even just a little! Haha! I finally got to watch The Wrestler as well, awesome movie!!!