Spoke in the Wheel

I can’t really explain why, but for some reason I get a huge kick out of all those ridiculously long fights on Family Guy.

I made a bunch of tiny fried pies to go along with dinner.  Easiest crust ever– cup of all-purpose flower, tablespoon of vegetable shortening worked in with a… dough… masher… thing, then just pour ice water (this is important– helps keep the shortening from getting too warm too fast) in bit by bit, mixing as you go until you have actual dough.  Then just roll into a smooth ball, flatten, roll out with a rolling pin, and out rounds big enough to hold your filling.  My filling was even simpler than the crust– just a dollop of apricot preserves in the middle.  Fold and seal, then you could really cook it several different ways.  I fried them in vegetable oil about an inch deep in a skillet, but you could deep fry them or bake them I suppose.

Umm… just that I suppose.  Later.

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June 16, 2009

I’m fond of fried pies filled with apple guts. Don’t think I’ve ever tried or even heard of apricot filling, but I often don’t hear about things. :p

June 16, 2009

likes pie ->

June 16, 2009

fried pies? is that like deep fried mars bars? ryn: you’ve never been to Australia or England then, because people in those/these places are particularly fond of speaking their mind and not afraid to be at all unPC or racist.

June 17, 2009

We have several apple trees on our property, so I often bake apple pies and fry smaller ones. I will have to try that crust recipe! Sounds much easier than the one I use!

June 17, 2009

– I had seen that one! That’s one of the first ones I saw when I did a search for talking Budgies. I’m still trying to figure out what to teach Bruce to say. So far, he just repeats things I’ve said to him but not actually TAUGHT him. Baby steps! At least I know for a fact that he’s a talker.

June 17, 2009

ryn: i guess all is in proportion, but here we’re merely divided by -roads- for example: in the suburb of westminster on one side of Ravenswood road you have council housing full of dirty needle using, dead car collecting, money sucking ferals. on the other side of Ravenswood? beautiful new housing filled with corporate couples with BMWS and picket fences.