Somebody Put Something in My Drink

I’ve often wondered if that’s a realization or a request.

I’ve had tummy troubles for the last couple of days.  Not sure why.  I guess I should be more specific, since telling my mother I was having stomach troubles and that I had only eaten crackers yesterday caused her to buy me ginger ale, usually believed to be good for somebody who’s vomiting.  I happily drank the ginger ale, since it’s always been a favorite of mine, but I had to explain to her when I saw it that I wasn’t having problems with food coming back up, just with the consistancy of it on the way out.  I’m trying not to be gross about it for whatever reason, but I think maybe I’ve given enough info.

As a result, I have no appetite, mostly because nothing is appetizing.  They had steak last night, but the thought of it was repulsive.  All I ate yesterday was crackers, a bowl of the most flavorless (read– salt-less) chicken broth I’ve ever encountered, and a little salad.  I question the salad, since lettuce only consists of fiber and water. 

Pepto never helps me.  I take Pepto, instead of the intended result all I ever get is black what should be brown for like two days. 

So enough about my innards.  Recently I was wondering what’s up with "conservatives" and "liberals."  Why are conservatives pro-gun, pro-oil, and pro-deforestation, while liberals want gun control, alternative fuels, and wildlife preservation?  I think the terms should be switched.  No, I know where they come from.  Conservatives are against abortion, and liberals generally are not.  That’s the only thing that makes sense.  Otherwise, what exactly are the conservatives conserving?  Unfortunately, about a day after I had that thought, I saw a Bill Maher special where he made very similar comments.  I hate when that happens. 

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July 15, 2009

Well, internationaly the terms are switched… sort of. “Liberal” tends to refer to a belief that the government should have less control over how people live their lives. In the US “liberal” still applies the same way when it comes to marriage, sex, religion, reproductive rights, and the like.

July 15, 2009

However, for some reason the same people are supportive of larger government when it comes to other things, like transportation, heath care, education, etc… “Conservativism” in America refers to the idea that there’s certain static American values that we all (or all should) ascribe to. Think idealized ’50s with obedient unquestioning sons, chaste daughters, and submissive housewives and you

July 15, 2009

have a pretty good idea. These same people have decided that the government has no role in providing services to people, and that large business owners are certainly altruistic enough to provide us with everything we need at a fair price. So really you have 2 sets of polarities. A (more or less)social one and an (more or less)economic one. We just happen to have two groups of people that have

July 15, 2009

taken the same side on each one en masse. Instead of the four potential major groups we could have with those particular variables (left-left, left-right, right-left, and right-right), we only ended up (for a large part) two.

July 15, 2009

Oh, Ramones or Children of Bodom?

July 15, 2009

I’ve wondered the same thing about those lyrics. I can never think of song titles or lyrics that relate to my entries, even when I try really hard. It’s lame.

July 16, 2009

Ahhh! I woke up at 2:30 thins morning with the same thing you have described. My stomach is still in knots…but there is absolutely no way I have anything left to come out at this point. When does it end?!?!