Ready, Steady, Go!

I wanted everybody to know that I saw Watchmen.  It was friggin’ awesome!

Other than that, I’ve been playing a buttload of RE 5, and it’s awesome too. 

I bought a new chair.  I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about my chair plight at all over the last five years or so.  I seem to remember one entry several years back where I complained that many of my chairs had broken, but those were all rolling desk chairs, folding chairs, and lawn chairs.  While that series of unfortunate events certainly reduced the amount of seating area any guests might find, it didn’t much affect me and my big, green, vinyl chair.  I used to have a matching set of big, green, vinyl furniture.  Long story short, none of it survived for one reason or another, mostly because the green vinyl cracked and tore, making the furniture an eyesore at best and a skin-abrading mess at worst.  So for the last four or five years I’ve delt with whatever seating I could scavenge.  When Tompall moved into his apartment in town, the previous occupant had left some furniture, and this included a one-person futon-like device which he left for me when he joined the army.  I used it for a long time, and indeed it’s still in my room and mostly used as a catch-all for random crap like coats and whatnot.  It’s been traded back and forth with the other chairs I’ve tried, but all of them wind up being unsatisfactory in the end.  There was a weird, swivelly rocking thing that I didn’t like because the back was too low and the swivelly, rocking motion sometimes made me seasick.  Then there was a grody little blue Queen Anne chair that Mom had replaced because the padding had flattened and the upholstery was beginning to rip.  Well, it all had to end.  I went to a local furniture store and had a look, and after several minutes found a beautiful, sage green, reclining model with more stuffing than your granny’s Thanksgiving turkey.  It was like sitting in a pile of pillows, if you could somehow make a pile of pillows recline.  It was a couch potato’s dream. …It was $500.  I didn’t have $500.  And to be honest, for $500 a chair better be able to do more than hold my legs horizontal.  But then Minnie reminded me that this furniture store has a clearance center, so that’s where we went.  Almost immediately we spotted a chair of identical design, only cocoa-powder brown instead of sage green.  The tag said $429, the dude said he’d make it $310.  I said, "Sold!"  Then the guy knocked off another ten dollars because the tag also said "Damaged; As Is."  We turned the thing every which way and could find no damage, but the price remained at an even $300 plus tax.  Hooray for awesome recliners!

I can’t help noticing that lately every commercial seems to say something like, "Perfect for today’s economy," as if to suggest that their product is better right now because it’s cheaper, meaning you’d be more likely to have enough spare cash despite your personal economic difficulties.  That’s strange to me.  I can’t quite put my finger on why, but it has something to do with the fact that they’re probably spending a lot of money on these commercials assuring you that you’ll spend less money on their product.  I dunno, something like that. 

I have to say something work-related, but it’ll be quick.  I can feel the end of my time at the video store approaching.  Yeah, I know I’ve only been in the manager position for like 5 months, but I’m severely dissatisfied to say the least.  I haven’t figured out how things will end.  Will I quit or be terminated?  I can’t tell, there are some tachyons distorting my perceptions of the future.  All I hope is that I can take Sow down with me.  She’s horrible, and I don’t think she should be allowed to torment my successor, whoever that may be. 

El Fuerte.

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March 20, 2009

I was so bummed… I don’t know how it happened, but I fell asleep sometime during Watchmen and woke up to the credits. At least I didn’t wake up during the ending, yeah? It would make my day if I knew you took Sow down. Totally.

March 20, 2009

I’ve considered getting some new furniture myself. Especially since I’ve decided to move out of this apartment and into another one. I found a nice couch for about $300 with a rug for about $200. And I might get a table for $100. I need a credit card though. Also, I’m glad that came in, and that you like it. 🙂 I didn’t know it came with a bookmark. Awesome!

March 27, 2009

Yay for comfy chairs 🙂