Living After Midnight

This morning as I ate my breakfast of a microwave calzone and a toasted English muffin with honey, I decided I should put my copy of 300 in rather than try and find anything to watch on the ol’ devilbox.  I got up at 7:30 this morning, meaning I had an hour to shower and eat, so I spent roughly half an hour watching the movie.  I was a tad disappointed that not a single battle happens in that time.  I could have sworn the Persian killing started earlier than that.  Oh well.

Tiffany showed up at work about 30 minutes early.  Not sure why, but the first thing she said to me was, "I’m going to Subway, what do you want?"  I said it was okay, I didn’t need anything.  After a slight pause she said, "Okay," and left.  Right after she left she called back on her cell and said, "Why don’t we split a double quarter pounder?"  I said, "How do we do that?"  She said, "Well, we cut the sumbitch in half!"  I realized she wasn’t going to give in until I let her buy me some food, so I said, "Okay, lets do that." 

I love McDonald’s burgers, I can’t help it.  I really didn’t have to think about it all that hard before I agreed. 

I hid $120 from myself last week.  No, I don’t know why.  I know exactly where it is, so I guess it isn’t really hidden from myself, but I doubt the casual observer could find it.  Hell, I’m willing to bet that somebody looking for money hidden in my room could find it.  I’m even willing to bet that I could tell them where to look and they might not find it unless they were very lucky or very thorough.  No, I’m not going to write where it is.  I don’t want anybody coming in here while I’m out sneaking around looking for my inexplicably hidden $120.  As for why I did it, I guess I figured that if it wasn’t in my wallet I’d be less likely to spend it.  The real question is, why didn’t I just put it in the bank?  I have no idea.  I do things for no readily apparent reason sometimes.  Then I like to write about them at length, for reasons no better explained than the original act about which I write.  It’s fun.

I talk out loud to myself alot, especially when driving.  Just thought I should share that, again for no real reason.  (I’m trying like hell not to bitch about Sow and her bullcrap right now, so just bear with me.)

Here’s a fun thing:  tell me this isn't brilliant.  I wish I had been the genius who made this, because it’s so true.  Look at ‘im.  It’s uncanny.

Ah, I’m out.  Later.

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February 9, 2009

Woah… that icon is brilliant lmao

February 10, 2009

Now I’m trying to think of all the places money could be cleverly hidden in your room. Not that I want to steal it or anything, but you did present a challenge and I’m feeling competitive for some reason.