Fairies Wear Boots

I’ve been in a lot of flea markets lately, mostly because being unemployed gives me little excuse not to go with my father when he asks if I want to go.  I want to spend time with my folks when I can, so I sort of enjoy not having that excuse.

Anyway, as a result, I’ve seen some strange things.  I wish I had taken more than these three pictures, but they are really good examples of the weird shit people people will try to sell.

To start, a little good old family racism.  I’m assuming this statue (about three feet tall) was from a time when this sort of thing didn’t offend anybody, or at least anybody that mattered to the person who created it.  Of course, here in Mississippi, it’s possible the thing was sculpted about three months ago.

and what the hell is up with that huge blue hat?

I’m not sure what to call this next one, but it bothers me.

Yeah, that’s a monkey in a jacket.  Somebody has placed a basket in his hands, and propped some other random stuff in his arms, but I believe they are sold seperately.  I think his name should be Monkeyworth.

Now, the granddaddy of them all.  As a word of warning, this one scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it.  It’s the sort of thing you have to be really creative to come up with.  Creative with a generous portion of crazy mixed in.


 As far as I can tell, this is an orangutan. In a dress.  Holding a baby orangutan wearing a crown.  The "mother" is staring off somewhere, perhaps contemplating her bizarre fate, but little King Creepy here is staring right at you.  He knows we’re here, and from his expression, has managed to completely detatch himself from his emotions, and could spring right out of the painting at a moment’s notice.  Why anybody would want this in their house is beyond me.  At least with the other two I can come up with something– the little negro boy could almost be considered a vintage piece of (rasist) Americana, and the chimp butler is almost funny, but this abomination… I tell no lie when I say that when I laid eyes on this horrid thing, I reflexively jumped back and shielded my eyes. 

i am under your bed.

Sleep well tonight.


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July 16, 2009

Good god. What the hell?

July 16, 2009

Ryn: Oh, it’s absolutely an imperfect classification system. Even if you expanded to the four divisions you’d be ignoring a lot of dynamics. However, it does seem to encompass a fair amont of Americans fairly well.

July 16, 2009

Nice picatures. And, I’m assistant manager..I thought we covered this lol..I don’t know if you’re confused or I am, but either way…I get 20 hours paid vacay. So I’m takin it woot woot. Miss ya.

July 17, 2009

Curse you, The Mighty. First you text this horrific monkey picture to me, and now you paste it all over OD. Ugh. *Shudders*

July 20, 2009

You should check out The Museum of Bad Art: http://www.museumofbadart.org/index.php (Random Noter!)

July 26, 2009

This was pretty funny. I think that last pic was a statement, about royalty or something, how we’re all just monkey’s looking up to other monkey’s, trying to be like them, when we’re all really just the same.