Demon Tied to a Chair in My Brain

It is currently 6:16 AM on a Thursday, and The Mighty is still awake.  This seems to be becoming a tradition for me and my pals, and I’m okay with that.  Since I take off every Wednesday and Thursday night, I wind up at Jordan’s house every Wednesday and essentially just stay up until freaking dawn.  What do we do?  Nothing.  Nothing at all.  Today (yesterday) was the most eventful so far, because at some point in the afternoon Tim (whom I’ve never mentioned, and haven’t known for very long) got bored with nobody else home and went fishing in the little pond behind the house.  He caught a 7.5 pound catfish, literally the largest fish I’ve ever seen in person.  (I honestly haven’t fished much.)  We didn’t believe the text message at first, especially since I reminded Matt that it was April Fool’s day. 

So began the adventure– we rushed out there to witness this monster fish in person, and Matt quickly decided that fishing was all we should do for the rest of the day.  Goolsby (whom I’ve also never mentioned) showed up with his own rods and reels, and to the pond we went. Long story short– nobody else caught anything; I didn’t even cast a single time, which was fine with me.  Had Tim not had that fish in a trashcan full of water (the only vessel he could find that would hold it) on the front porch, we still wouldn’t have believed him just based on the lack of even a nibble for the rest of the day. 

I feel like I should clarify a couple of things.  The house this all took place at is Jordan’s.  Matt has been living there with him since around Christmas last.  Tim just comes and hangs out there all the time, since he doesn’t work.   Goolsby is a similar case, but I think he works somewhere… not sure about that though, since he never seems to have trouble popping up whenever and staying till all hours.  Also Tanner was there, but he left around 11.

After fishing in the dark for an hour or so we went in and did absolutely nothing.  No movies got watched.  Matt put about 400 new songs on my iPod for me, Goolsby and Tim played a little guitar, Jordan sat around, probably sharpening a knife.  At some point Tim cleaned that fish, mostly with a kitchen knife and a pair of needle-nose pliers, and Jordan sealed the filets in plastic with one of those neat vacuum pack food sealer things.  We took Tim home around 1, ate at the Huddle House, and came back to do nothing.  Jordan played Fallout 3 on a small tv (by small I mean a 24 inch LCD) while Matt, Goolsby and I watched a little wrestling on the big tv (meaning the 50-some-odd-inch monster LCD).  This lasted until roughly  3 AM when Jordan went to bed, and for no apparent reason Matt, Goolsby, and I (mostly Matt) started doing ridiculous impersonations of "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes.  That went on until I left at around 5 AM.  It was the most fun I’ve had in forever.  My stomach will be sore later, and my cheeks and throat already are from laughing so much. 

My eyes are burning from need to sleep.  I’m going to do that now.  Or at least within the next 15 to 30 minutes.

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April 2, 2009

i love laughing till it hurts 🙂

April 2, 2009

Hmm, I played Fallout on a 17″ laptop. I would have killed for 24″. Haha.

April 2, 2009

ryn: Shiva’s really strange, sometimes half-woman, and with different elemental incarnations. Apparently, FF characters aren’t powerful enough to summon Shiva in his other elemental states. =P