
It’s 11:30pm on Tuesday, and I have to be at {god-damn it} to do inventory at 5am on Wednesday.  This isn’t my choice; my choice was to start at midnight tonight (that stil being Wednesday) and be long finished and home sleeping by the time anybody else is at the store.  As it is, I’m hoping everything will be done by the time we open.  It probably will be, since all we’re scanning is the old releases… but dammit, this sucks.  I hate when I’ve already decided how to do something and somebody comes along with a reason I can’t do it that way.  We always do our inventory at night between close and open, but now suddenly since (soon not to be) my store is a "shrink risk 5," we now have to have another manager from another store present during inventory to make sure we aren’t padding anything.  Why the fuck would we do that?  I know some people do it, but hell, these are rentals we’re talking about here.  Why bother claiming you have rentals hanging around that you don’t? 

Point is I should be sleeping a little while I can, not sitting around watching the special features on The Wrestler (which I bought today) and typing entries in an online journal. 

At one o’clock tomorrow, we have a company-wide, mandatory conference call with ALL store managers.  This worries me a bit.  …Although, to be honest, the thing I’m worried will be said is exactly what I’ve been wanting to hear for months– "We’ve made the decision to close all stores."  So really, it’s more like I’m worried it’ll just be something that will make my life harder.  I’d much rather find out I was out of a job than find out I have a few thousand more things to do while I’m at work. 

I drew a zombie in that new sketchbook.  I’m not sure why, and I’m not sure it’s really finished.  As in, I might do something else with it.   

Haven’t decided anything

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April 22, 2009

The Wrestler is at the top of my Netflix list…can’t wait to get it!

April 22, 2009

Zombies need some drool or brains or blood oozing from their mouths – in my humble opinion. If you want to add that. I like his ripped face at below eyeball level. And I’ll be rooting for you at 1:00, but from a different time zone.

April 25, 2009

That what everyone keeps telling me. But as far as I knew, smoke detectors are double A’s now. Or, if its a new house, they are just hardwired into the walls.