Come Out and Play

I’m having a real internal battle with myself about that Batman game.  See, I got a message from GameStop about the midnight opening they’re doing for the game, meaning, obviously, that I could go down there tonight and get my copy, then be home beating up clowns and swinging on grappling hooks by 12:30.  The battle is this– what good is having a game at midnight when I normally hit the sack by 1?  Plus, there will probably be a crowd there for the exact same thing, and that store doesn’t accomodate more than three or four people very well.  I’ve never been to a midnight launch type thing anyway, and I don’t think they’re my cup o’ tea.  The only upside seems to be that it’s been very comfortable outside here lately, temperature-wise.  I did have an amusing urge to go down there in my Rorshach costume and pretend I mistakenly thought it was the Watchmen game release.  As amusing as that would be to me and nobody else, I don’t think it would be worth it.  …Unless I could get a Nite Owl and a Silk Spectre to go with me, then we could pretend our presence was totally unrelated and I could break somebody’s finger in an attempt to interrogate them about something.  Now that would be hilarious!


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August 24, 2009


August 24, 2009

I’d recommend just going to a local department store that is open 24 hours. Every midnight release that I do not go to,I am home and playing the game before the line even moves. Gamestop is just nice because of the free stuff they give you and trade ins on the pre-order. Usually the free stuff is all right. What they give you for this game though may be worth it. At least you could wake up to it!

August 25, 2009

I went to one midnight release and I never will again. It was for Fable. It was AWFUL, plus I had class the next day, so I don’t know what I was thinking. I didn’t get to play the game until the next afternoon anyway.

August 27, 2009

I’m totally the Silk Spectre this Halloween. Just so you know.

August 28, 2009

ryn: Couldn’t remember if you were there or not. And, do I recall Justin somehow convincing the cashier to sell him a copy, even though it was on reserve for somebody else? Also, you’re welcome. I figured you especially would appreciate it.