Am I Going Insane?

It’s cold.  Why is it cold!?  It’s Spring!  Everything’s messed up.  It’s always 75-80 degrees at Christmas, and 40-50 in early April.  What up, Nature?

I’m increasingly fed up with my job.  I don’t want to go into a lot of detail, but it’s basically to a point where I’m being made to feel that I we could all lose our jobs if the entire fucking store is "immaculately clean."  Those are the words on the memo.  The memo didn’t say the whole part about losing our jobs, but that’s been made very clear to me regardless.  To be honest I don’t give a shit anymore.  I’ve checked out so thoroughly that I don’t care if I do get fired, but I’d rather leave on my own terms.  I just don’t know where to go.  I’d like to enjoy unemployment for a little while actually, but I don’t think that’s a very good idea.  As everybody likes to point out right now, the economy is in the shitter.  Doesn’t really make for a good job market.  But it seems inevitable anyway, since I know we can’t live up to the godlike standards they’ve set before us.  You clean the shelves on a Monday (as if you could somehow clean every shelf in a day) and by Tuesday you wouldn’t be able to tell.  When do you think Sow would wander in?  Tuesday, of course.  So in her eyes, it’s as if we simply never cleaned it.  That’s literally the attitude– if it doesn’t look as though it was just done, then it was simply never done.

Anyway, Minnie and I watched Wrestlemania at my cousin Joey’s house with him, his wife, and our good friends A-Train and Kegan.  The show was awesome, but I won’t go into it. 

Also, A-train’s the guy I designed that tattoo for, and he went and got it done recently.  It looks really good, and I’m proud to be the guy who designed it. 

So Pizza Hut has a new big pizza called the PANormous.  They say it’s their biggest pizza ever.  Anybody else remember the Bigfoot?  It was 3 feet long!  Does this new one match that?  Somehow I doubt it.  They’re probably just counting on the notoriously short memory of the general consumer.  I’m gonna go now and try to research those stats.  Later.

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April 7, 2009

I ate Bigfoots every Friday as a kid. Oh, and there were inches of snow on my car this morning. I don’t know how many inches, but some were there. And it was about 73 on Sunday. Makes no sense.