Home is where the heart is…even if you come home to a complete dump with no furniture except for a couch mattress to sleep on.

Erica had moved out while I was at the hospital. She didn’t bother to dump her junk she didn’t want so I am left to deal with it. She didn’t clean anything. She just left. I feel like I want to get everything done RIGHT NOW, but I know I can’t. I JUST got back from the hospital. I need to take it easy. I did accomplish cleaning out the fridge and freezer. That’s one step I guess. My mom is coming over Wed so help me with the rest of the cleaning and stuff. I even might paint the walls. They are looking kind of shitty. I’m suppose to go back to work Wed, but I’m going to tell my boss I need at least a couple days off. She should understand. She knows what I went through. Joe is at work right now and I am missing him to pieces. I just want to snuggle and cuddle with him. Something we haven’t been able to do at the hospital. Annabelle is extra lovey. I’m assuming because she’s been alone for a couple days. Her lover kitty is gone. We will have to get her another buddy. I hate leaving her alone. I’ve missed her so much. I’ve missed being HOME…even if the place is a shithole. I’m just happy to be here.

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