How fitting..

A survey seems appropriate here. In this instance, I’ve chosen to do one I did in this diary nearly 13 years ago. My new answers will be in between the /slashes/.

Name: Mary

Age: 17 /29/

Location: Jawjah…AKA Georgia /Still Georgia, but I’m much happier with it now/

Gender: Female, but according to’s gender test, I’m male! /this is still the same, but I feel more male sometimes/

Preference: Male, but….there are times when I have found myself attracted to a chick. /I’ve owned up to it now that I’m generally a lesbian, but I love very select men./


Physical Ideal: Tall…over 6′..even though I’m a little thing…unusual looks, like, black hair and blue eyes, or blond hair and brown eyes….tanned…thin…occasional glasses. …i like em geeky lookin, dont bug me.. /lol wow. I still like a nerdy dude with glasses, but I’m not as nit picky as I was/

Mental/Emotional Ideal: smart, creative, able to snap back at me…open and up front about everything…..HONESTY! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! HONESTY! /look at that, I married my ideal. 🙂 /

Current Partner (if applicable): no current one. /my wonderful husband, Zach/

Favourite Ex-Partner (why?): prolly…a tie between Zach and Jonathan….for several reasons….Zach was my “dream” guy, and Jonathan was everything emotionally I could dream of….and an amazing singing voice, which zach has too…..iunno! /mmm, probably James. He helped me be more comfortable with myself/

Least Favourite (why?): Uhm. Prolly….Jonathan too. Just cause of the recent events. He’s my favorite and my least fave. /Justin. He made me forget who I am./


Kiss: 11

Cigarette: 9

Mixed Party: 8

Time Drunk: 11

Time High: 12

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: serious one? 11

Sex: 12

Ride a bike: 7

Swim: 5

Blow bubbles: 3

Tie Shoes: 5

Book: One fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!


Kiss: uhmm…christ…when i departed from lucas i think… /to husband, before bed/

Cigarette: this morning /oh jeez…maybe five years ago?/

Party: Oct. 21…i think it was the 21st…all those days were a blur /um. Halloween 2011? /

Time Drunk: drunk? really drunk? uhmmm….tybee island with brittney…hehe. that was fun. /when Madeline died/

Time High: will be in about 30 minutes, before that, …last week… /sometime in 2007/

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Robby. /if you don’t count husband, then Tony/

Sex: Friday, March 9th. I believe it was the 9th…of this year.
/a few weeks ago/
Bike ride: oh my god. about a year and a half ago? /July, at kiawah!/

Book: Anna Kerenina by Leo Tolstoy, and I am in the middle of Tess Of The D’Urbervilles /currently: one summer in america, bill bryson. Before that, hallucinations by oliver sacks/


Wearing: My “weekend” jeans (blue denim flares), a dark red shirt, my blue slippers, and my black bra and …pink silky undies 🙂 /literally nothing, I’m typing this from bed/

Time: 8:11PM /2:29am/

Doing: talking to people…playing on neopets. /listening to husband snore, reading fb and cracked/

Did: school. had a mag lunch with “chocolate”,”plain cheesecake”, and a buncha other cuties… /sat with a client and got a photo order/

Will: sleep soon..bout 9 hours from now. /also sleep, but hopefully sooner than nine hours/

Wanting: sex…honestly. /lol um… A job?/

Hating: not having someone to wuv me /not working/

Loving: the dr pepper in front of me /not working, ha/

Feeling: cansada y enfermo /tired and thirsty /

Closing words

The Black Sheep Will One Day Rule The Earth. /this is my timey wimey detector. It goes ding when there’s stuff/

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November 11, 2013

Just keep the detector away from hens…