TLOU (at bottom) and other shit

I’ll start with everything but The Last Of Us, because I do not want to spoil anything for anyone.


So where should I begin?

A certain friend of mine that is very very very…confusing to say the least, but I do love her…had her ex message her and try to torment her. Saying sweet shit, and claiming she’s a monster, and that he still hurts over her, and stupid shit like that. Just a bunch of bullshit to try and get to her. Tried to help keep her spirits up as best I could. He got to her a little bit, but there was a minor influence of alcohol so, that made it harder for her I’m sure. I was worried for a minute. Wasn’t sure if she was gonna do something she knew she shouldn’t or not, but I did have faith in her, and she did what I believe she knew was right and better for her. 🙂 


One of the few people I liked when I worked at PP, the kennel, stays in touch every now and again. She still works there, except instead of kennel she moved to only day camp. So, she goes on break or something and snaps a picture to send to me of Ginny. You all know of Ginny, my Viszla baby. I miss her soooo god damn much. I miss walking into the kennel and seeing her hear my voice, peek up over the little dividers to see me all excited, and then I go to her run, and she would grab her blanket and drag it to the back of the run, wiggling all the while, until I would open the gate, and kneel down for her to run to me and jump to hug and kiss me. She’d put her front feet on my shoulders, hug me, and then proceed to kiss me, still wiggling. Me and her were super tight. Like, Ginny loves everyone, but me and her were still much closer than anyone else…now that I think about it, I was closer to most of those dogs, than any other employee…and considering I really only worked weekends (schooling and what not)….that says something about their competence in the field. Shit, I said good night and good morning to EVERYONE. (the dogs I mean). I made sure to say hello to them all, if I didn’t get a chance to visit someone, then I would on my lunch break (which often was cut short because I was needed to do shit) Anyway, this is the picture she sent me….

That is MY Ginny. And ya know what…she looks miserable to me. She looks bored and sad. And that pisses me off ….ALOT. Ginny is the type of dog, that she gets outside she RUNS. She wants to play…she used to barely have her feet on the ground when I took her out. She looks sad. Her tail isn’t wagging, she’s strolling the yard….WTF!!!! Who the hell is not treating my baby right? Compare…compare how she is in this picture to the video of me and her. 


You can just see how in the picture she looks sad, and bored and miserable….whereas in the video She is clearly happy…you can see it in her face. And Ginny was always like that (in the video) always. always always always. She would run until I chased her…she would coax me into chasing her and playing. She didn’t just wander and stroll the yard…no if Ginny is strolling the yard…you are not doing your job. You are incompetent. You do not love the animals. I mean…when I worked there…I was like that (video) with every dog that I took out that wanted to play. If they wanted to casually walk, I walked with them. If they wanted to sit and relax, I’d sit and relax with them. Hell, there were times were pups just wanted to chill in the sun, so I laid right beside them and we relaxed. A few times the dogs fell asleep beside me laying in the sun…Now…that yard was disgusting and everybody that I worked with was amazed that I would willingly lay on it…because it wasn’t built correctly and they dont clean it appropriately…but I didn’t care. My job there is to do what the dog wants and love on the dog. The entails a lot more than a pat on the head and giving it food and water. If you work in a kennel….you are going to get dirty…part of the job…Why worry about it, when it’s inevitable? Why let dirt stop you from BEING PAID TO HAVE FUN?? Maybe I am a bit sensitive when it comes to my pups, and my standards for kennel work….but part of the job is exercising, feeding, watering, cleaning up after, walking, and LOVING. The LOVE bit of the job…is the biggest part and also the part that makes all the shit worth it…it makes the job not feel like a job. Just…Ugh  My poor baby. I’m sorry Ginny. I miss and love you. 


Next little rant. 

My friend told me about some campaign going on defending some chick that is being "cyber-bullied."  Apparently she’s being "cyber-bullied" for a video that someone uploaded or she uploaded or some shit like that. What was this video of…the title was something like "2 blowjobs to strangers at a concert" Ummm…so…people are defending this chick, who committed lude acts in public which got recorded and uploaded somewhere…ummm….I don’t understand why it is being classified as cyber-bullying? She made the conscious decision to blow 2 dude…she didn’t know at a concert…If she didn’t want it recorded and seen and shit…go somewhere private and do all the crazy sex acts you can think of …but when you do something in a public place…you forfeit your right to privacy. And to claim this as cyber bullying…Welcome to the fucking internet. People are empowered by anonymity. The get digital courage to say shit that they wouldn’t say in person. Which…quite frankly…people who are so called "victims" of cyber bullying….they need to use their minds and realize that they are just words from cowards too scared to stand by their beliefs and actions. People focus too much on the things be typed or said, instead of focusing on the circumstances of things being said/typed. 

Now let me carry on to the whole bullying topic as a whole and how modern society is trying to deal with it. Now I don’t put much stock in the concept of bullying, because as long as you be yourself, and do what you do, and do what makes you happy, then it doesn’t matter one bit, what anybody says. If the "bullying" becomes physical then it becomes battery/assault, but even when it becomes physical…most of the time physical bullying consists of tossing your shit on the ground, or a push here or there, if it turns to slaps or fists, then again…assault/battery. Then you have the right to defend yourself, so deck the son of a bitch, even if there is a risk of getting your ass kicked….you know what getting your ass kicked would do? It would paint that person a target on their back, because some time, some where…some body bigger and better is going to come around and kick their ass. It may not even be a physical ass beating. But once you get your ass beat…then the supervisors (bc most bullying h

appens in schools) have their eye on the shit head, that thinks a fight wins him any form of redeeming quality for society. Not to mention, that bullies usually cant fight…because I’ve witnessed bullies start shit with some kids that also couldn’t fight. Ya know what it turns into?  A god damn hugging match. If you are going to go to the extent of confronting someone to the point of calling it a fight….make it a god damn fight. Land a real shot, or lock in a submission, or a hold or something…but dont make it hugging match. I had a few kids in school try to bully me, they were unsuccessful. I laughed at them. Most bullies spout of empty insults with not traction behind them, they are all bark….bland empty barks…and no bite. Every one that tried, ended up feeling inferior, when I would brush them off like the nothings they were. In gym class, some would try to take advantage of the sport we would play at the time to try and get a shot on me or something…guess what…it blew up in their face as I proceeded to dodge all their attempts while making them look like shit by having the nerd (me) beat them. 

Now…modern society is trying to combat bullying with Be a Star type shit. Tell teachers, tell friends, tell parents, seek protection from somebody else? What is that teaching our youths? To look for help constantly? To have shit handed to them? To continue to not put confidence in themselves? What happens when these kids get to the real world? The real world isn’t like that. You can’t expect people to protect you all the time, and avoid confrontation…HELLO HUMANITY IS THE EPITOME OF CONFRONTATION. It’s human nature. It’s in our blood, and it is in our bones. This new age of…stopping bullying….will never work. It will just create a bunch of bitches. And I say that in the nicest way possible. The best way to combat bullying…is to teach our youths to have confidence in themselves and disregard the people that waste their time trying to bring other people down. Either brush them off, or stand up to them…but running and seeking protection from someone isn’t gonna stop it…it will just make the bullies be more discreet or wait until nobody is around…I mean…cmon….Youths of the world….have confidence in yourselves…and do what makes you happy, as long as you do that then nothing anybody says or do matters. 

Another thing about modern society….Sexuality…Now…I am not making a statement about the origin of sexual orientation or anything like that. I don’t give a fuck what your sexual orientation is. People are people and they reserve the right to be happy and love like anybody else. That being said, a friend of a friend via gaming shit or what have you…I talked to this kid..who was roughly 12ish…about some gaming stuff, because we traded items in TF2.  He has a shirtless picture of him in a towel as his avater (Profile picture equivalent) and on his profile he claims to be a bisexual furry (attracted to the tails and cat ears type fad/fetish)…now…If you are attracted to dudes, women, or both…I don’t care. But I don’t think youths should be claiming a sexuality…before they are sexually active. By that I mean…you can be attracted to whatever gender you want…but claiming to be a sexual orientation before sex is even really a viable option..seems off to me. Why do young kids decide hey I have to declare my sexuality…even though I won’t be having sex for awhile or dating really for that matter. I’m not saying that you aren’t of that sexual orientation before you ahve sex, I’m just saying by declaring an orientation far before sex is even on the table really…makes it more of a social standing than an actual orientation. If that makes sense. It becomes a fad. for attention…instead of just being what you are. The need to declare your sexual orientation in that sense is just stupid…it doesn’t matter if anybody knows your sexual orientation….because relationships should happen naturally…and if someone of a different orientation wants to take the sexual step with you..but you dont you simply turn them down and tell them you are of different tastes…basically just like turning down someone of the same orientation…Do I make any bit of sense here?  Maybe I am doing a shit job of explaining….but the point is….youths have no need to declare their sexual orientation…declaring it like that makes it a social thing instead of a personal thing…I sound like an idiot lol…sorry if that seems offensive…but it really isn’t at all. 



Okay, so I refused to try The Last Of Us, because to me it looked like just another sony video game that wants to be a movie overloaded with quick time events, and too much story and not enough gameplay. The reviews continued to rave about it until my friend finally decided you know waht I will buy it and try it, beat it , and return it before the 7 days gamestop alots for full refund returns on used games. So, he gets it…plays it…beats it…tells me that it is game of the year for him. A masterpiece. That I will love it. And I found that hard to believe, because Bioshock Infinite currently was my GOTY. Loved it…absolutely amazing. So I borrow his PS3 and the copy of TLOU….I beat that shit in a day. Mostly becaues I just..sat down…zoned in…and didn’t stop till I beat it. I started at like 3 in the afternoon-ish and finished around 4 am ….It sucked me in and I did not want to put the controller down. I had to stop and eat, and do some shit, and love on my princess Roxie…but most of that time span was just full zoned in gameplay. 

I officially state…that The Last Of Us is indeed a masterpiece and has earned the spot of GOTY for me. It has also earned the spot of favorite zombie game. That my dears….says something. 

It has it’s quicktime events, but in situations that make sense…and add to the gameplay without overloading it with just ridiculous scenarios where you have to react quickly and tap fast. Every quicktime type event…felt good, and was very subtle. It made sense. The controls…feel amazing. The gun play…is actually difficult…theres alot of weapon sway, and not alot of bullets…ya know…typically what it would be like should an average joe pick up a gun in a zombie apocalypse setting. An average joe is not going to be popping head shots left and right. You can choose to fight everything…and use that ammo to fight, but you can also choose to take a stealth approach. Which is obviously going to be the better option. Conserve ammo, less risk of taking damage, and it actually feels like you are being stealthy. I prefer the stealth game, but I am pretty good at the gun play/melee play too. Combat is great. You have different classes of infected, but not ridiculous classes like in L4D, but classes of infected that make sense due to their explanation of the infection. A fungus type deal that grows on the brain, and takes control of the host, and as time goes on the infected become blind as the fungus grows and surfaces on their face and head…It is a really unique take on the infection side of it and it makes sense and I love that it does. Then you have the bandit type enemies. The humans that decided not to follow government orders and fend for themselves. Then there’s the government force that is trying to fend off the inf

ection, supplying and what not inside quarantine zones, and ya know the usual…Enforcing curfew, scanning for infected, making sure people stay inside the walls etc etc. You would imagine that the infected are the main enemy, but not entirely…it seems like a great balance of opposition being infected and uninfected. It’s just fabulous.

Then there’s the overall story. Most games like this you would expect at the end to find out the big detail…I will call Detail i. So most games like this Detail i would be the end of the game for a OMG NO WAY….but no….they got Detail i out of the way VERY quick and it is such a good thing. It fuels the story. The story is amazing ….really….like amazingly well done. Thought out and just…wow.

The characters….HOLY SHIT. Voice acting is AMAZING. The characters….amazing. The process of characterization….just…natural….feels amazing. Their relationships progress…naturally…it never once felt forced or random…it was natural, and you really feel for the characters. Even ones you never really encounter….The 2 main characters are Joel and Ellie. The way the formed Joel into a man hardened by the cruelty of the new world…was spot on…and as he develops it just adds more and more to the game. Ellie…I FUCKING LOVE ELLIE. She’s a kid that had to grow up too soon, because of the world she was born in to, but you get glimpses of the kid still inside, and her character progression is just…out…fucking…standing. The relationship between Joel and Ellie….just…sooo good. And it is rare that I will say that an ending of a game like that actual satisfies me….but the ending of this game…is perfect. This game is layered in many ways, but it ends…perfectly. 

The Last Of Us….PLAY IT. LOVE IT. and know that your life just got a little bit better for experiencing it. 

If anybody has played it and wants to talk in depth about it…private message me…because I don’t do spoils. 

Umm….not sure what else to say tonight/this morning. 

King out. Much love and what not. 

Oh quick shout out to one of you for your exams you just took. I bet you kicked ass…like I said you would XP 

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