I miss my kennel pups.

 So, as you all know I used to work in a boarding kennel. That kennel pissed me off a lot, and I was not happy with how it was run, the staff, the owner, etc etc. But, the thing that makes all of that not matter…is the pups. My family is bigger than any of yours, because all those pups are part of my family. I love them dearly. I haven’t seen a lot of them (almost all of them) in a ridiculously long time. And I miss them each and every day. 

Now, I have parted ways with that kennel. My mother used to work there as well. I got the job because I went in to do community service for my school, and the owner saw that I knew what I was doing and hired me on the spot. Since my mother left, she got a job grooming at Petsmart. She is the lucky one because she gets to see some of the pups from the boarding kennel. Now, I hear about when she sees who, and with that comes tiny details about the old kennel. Two Collies…I can’t remember their names one was Oscar…I can see them, but can’t remember their names atm . The two collies got groomed at Petsmart, where my mom works, and the owner recognized her from when she worked at the kennel. Well, my mother talked about how she missed the pups and it’s great to see them, because when you work with animals those animals should feel like part of the family. Part of the job is loving them and if you’re not loving the animals then you’re not fit for duty. And apparently the owner of the collies went on a tangent, "that would explain some things." Apparently, they did something to seriously piss off the mother of the two collies. And she’s a REALLY laid back person and  very nice, but apparently she was cussing up a storm, and saying how she will never be taking her pups back there, and that the owner was trying to overcharge her. Now as far as the overcharging goes, he used to try that before, but Charlie (one of the good employees and friends from that job) and my mother would catch him and not allow it. So, now he must be overcharging everyone. But the bigger question is….what the fuck are they doing that they could piss off such a nice and laid back person so badly that she will never take her dogs back again. Especially considering that those 2 collies were literally some of the easiest dogs to deal with ever. Not very messy, very obedient, and  very relaxed. My guess, is that they are using bleach inappropriately to clean the runs, the kids got a reaction, and chances are the staff didn’t pay attention to it, pups got home and had skin the skin issues from the bleach, and probably had to go to the vet to get them checked out. I KNOW that the kennel staff there is not paying appropriate attention to those animals and I KNOW they are not cleaning the proper way. This has me worried as hell about my babies. That picture of Ginny, doesn’t help my worries. More and more families are boycotting that kennel, after my mother and I left. I am genuinely worried about my babies, and so help me if I hear about one of them dying due to the neglect of the staff and the owner…I will raise hell. I rarely was at the front desk when people brought their pups in to board or what have you, so I didn’t see alot of them, very much. But the ones I did see…KNEW that I loved their pets just as if they were one of my own. Tip’s mother spent an extra couple hundred dollars just so that Tip could stay there until I worked, so that he could see me. Lilah, a pointer puppy. Her mother literally hugged me. Lilah was just a pup and they had just gotten her, and I just happened to be the one that was first to meet her. I wasn’t trained in the front desk job, but the front desk people were occupied so I stood and watched the front desk, and told those that came in that someone would be right with them, and explained that I wasn’t able to perform those duties for them. In that time, I would talk to whoever was there about their pups….100% of the time, I said hello to the dogs and pet them before I even acknowledged the owners lol. But I remember when Lilah came in. Lilah was a pup, and shy, because she had to be boarded and it was new to her. She was timid as she walked through the door, but I knelt down and said "hi there" and she perked up a little bit and walked right to me and sat against me as I just hugged her and told her she didn’t have to be shy. Her mother had her hands full so once, Lilah was with me she let go of the leash (I had grabbed part of it as a habit.) She carried in everything while I comforted Lilah. She set everything down, and told me the story of why Lilah was boarding and how she was a new pup, etc etc. And I explained about the front desk bit, ensured her that Lilah would be on my level, and that I would make sure she’s happy and comfortable. The entire conversation, I was kneeling and loving on Lilah, who had gotten much more comfortable and was licking me and starting wiggle from wagging her stub of a tail. Eventually the front desk people showed up and did everything while I took Lilah’s belongings back to her run, before coming back for Lilah so that the owner could say bye and what not. Took Lilah back, and I did what I said I would I made damn sure she was happy. She boarded a couple more times, and left when I wasn’t working. One time I was working when she went home, and the staff knew that Lilah and me were bonded and closer than anybody else…as I was with just about every dog, so I brought Lilah to the front when she was headed home. Her owner/mother saw that I had her and hugged me. I was surprised and smiled and told her that Lilah was happy as pie. Talked a little bit, and then said bye to Lilah, and back to work.  This is Lilah. 


Wow, I found some pics of other pups in the process of getting those so…have some extras. 

Whit….literally the sweetest dog you will EVER meet. 

These two…Harley and….I can’t remember the other’s name..it’s on the tip of my tongue…anyway…they always had a basketball and I was the only one that took it out with them in their play sessions. They get groomed at Petsmart now as well. 

YOUNG RUFUS!!!! Rufus is another one I bonded with. He came in young. Me and him ins

tantly were buddies. And I was about to knock some skulls when he cowered from one of the interns. Ru never cowered, he was a love bug and happy as hell all the time. So, that intern had to do something to him. I kept my cool though. I wanted to know what he did and knock his ass out for fucking with my buddy. Wow. He’s young here. I forgot how young he was one I met him lol.

 Rufus is older here, but look at that face. He was soooo happy all the time. 

And here’s more proof of how Ginny really should be.

 Okay…she was kissing me in that pic, but she got excited as it snapped and made me chase her right after that…ignore my dumbass face lol 😛 


Alright…puppy time over. I just miss my babies, and I don’t understand how having my mother and I leave could cause the place to fall to such shit standards soooo fast. What could they be doing to be pissing so many people off? 


Ummm, what else is there to write about?  

I won my first fantasy football game. Woot Go me. I feel pretty good about week 2, and I will feel even more confident should this trade get accepted in time. 


Ummm, oh, B got upset about comparing her to K. She thought I was calling her a whore like K, which I really wasn’t. I wrote a lengthy elaboration of what she should have taken from it. I don’t know if she read it or not. -shrug- whatevs lol. I dont think she read it…because every once in awhile she shares something about how, if a person pushes her away, or doesnt want to be there or some shit like that that she will open the door as tehy walk away…you know the kind of thing…If you don’t want to be in my life, then I will be just fine without you type shit. And yes, I get it, but everytime she does..I always say something like "pssshhh you always come back"  Which prompts her with the "wanna bet" and I say sure or weve done this before…or you and i both know you always come back. and she says "bye kyle" and then she stops talking for awhile in a stubborn attempt to prove that she doesn’t come back, or doesn’t need me. If she had read that lengthy thing she’d probably have a different outlook on trying to get me chase or argue to keep her from doing this faux walk away bit type deal. That being said…I don’t think she needs me, Hell, I don’t think anybody needs me. Just like I don’t need anyone, and all of you don’t need anyone. It’s wanting someone that makes the difference. I think B wants me in her life (she is just very hard headed, stubborn, and stupid sometimes.) and I want her in mine. Wanting someone in your life is a lot more meaningful than needing someone. Just my opinion. I think she wants me around…strictly based on the fact that she always comes back. Sure, she may be able to last a little longer without messaging me than she used to, but she always comes back. One of these days something will click, or she’ll realize something, and she’ll know that I am important to her, and she might show it some time too lol.  ;P 


Oh wait…another puppy moment.  Brother and sister!!


and Colt.

Now, while I was still there (towards the end of my kennel employment there) Biscuit had died, and Colt was obviously depressed. Literally, my heart broke every damn time I saw him in there alone without Biscuit. I must have spent 2 hours a day in the run with him after she died. Off the clock of course, because I didn’t want to be payed to comfort him. He was depressed, obviously so, and I hated seeing him so sad. Biscuit and Colt were such absolute sweet hearts. And after Biscuits passing, only the weekend crew really gave extra love to Colt, because we were the only ones to notice his depression. A little embarrassing to say, but directly after her passing Colt came in, and he wouldn’t eat. I took my lunch break and sat in the run with him…I added some chicken to his dry food to coax him. He nibbled a bit after I ate some of the chicken myself, and then I gave him some canned dog food (Science Diet) and he wouldnt eat…I ate a little bit of it and he started to eat again after that. He ate better with someone there, but he started to eat almost regularly again after that. (judge me if you want…I’ve consumed just about every type of dog food…some on dares, some to just mess with other staff members, but most to try and convince a dog to eat…it works…so hush) Also milkbones…not that bad. Just dry. lol  


Ummm I think that’s everything. 

So I conclude with a GREAT song by Frank Turner titled Recovery. Listen to it bitches…I post some damn good music  just sayin lol.



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