where have i been?

it’s a good question. busy, mostly.

my life is pretty intense.  i now have two jobs.  one as a cashier at good old family dollar, and the other as an office assistant at my mom’s office where she works as a nursing supervisor.  pretty easy stuff, and i’m banking money like crazy considering i sitll live at home.  zach moved to florida last july, we celebrated my birthday in october by spending a few great days in orlando at universal studios.  i totally geeked out at the wizarding world of harry potter.  

my grandmother, who was my best friend and my inspiration, died in september.  she had been sick since the beginning of summer and by the time they actually remedied what was wrong (gall bladder issues) she was so exhausted from being sick that she just gave in.  she passed at home, sitting next to my grandpa, their beloved dog between them.  it was the first time i really experienced a loss in my family, and it was the hardest one, because my grandma was truly angelic.  her heart was so big and her smile so wide, it was really hard not to love her.  zach was able to come home for the services and was a wonderful support for me and my family.

i’ve done absolutely nothing with my degree thus far, as i haven’t been writing.  i guess that’s why i started up here again, i need to get back into the habit of writing daly.  however, working 50+ hours a week takes its toll.  i really want to find a job and move to florida, but i can’t just pick up and leave as i have a car payment and phone bill now. i bought a 2011 focus in october, and am paying for it all by myself.  nothing like accruing some debt, right?

in the meantime, zach is getting prepared to attend MMI, a school for motorcycle mechanics.  he will be doing the harley program, and hopefully will be on his way to his dream of running his own shop one day.  i on the other hand, am looking at taking the graduate exam and getting a masters in library science.  how cute would that be?  the librarian marries the motorcycle mechanic.  haha.

as far as friends go, i don’t have many. honestly i kind of like it that way. no pressure, you know?  the friends i do have (or had), have moved on perfectly fine without me, and i don’t have the time or energy to support them in the somewhat stupid and ridiculous decisions they are making.  

i have a lot more to say, but it’s getting let and i have to get up early. so until next time i guess. 🙂

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