The New Feminist Manifesto

I am tired of radical feminism and have decided to write my own manifesto of what feminism should be and is for me. This is just a rough draft obviously and I hope to put a little more research and effort into it and put my education in philosophy to good use. 🙂

Radical feminism encourages women to reject all that is feminine and strive for "equality" with The Man. However, I don’t think that true equality between men and women will ever or could ever exist. This is because men and women are essentially different, not only in biological terms, but in terms of the way the mind works and how they view the world at its core.

Women are meant to nurture, to mother, and to be sensual, spiritual and emotional. Men are meant to be strong, protective, and rational. The two sexes are meant to be opposites so that they can work together and become a couple that loves and cherishes each others differences and do not compete for some sort of twisted equality.

While there is nothing wrong with being a successful working women, I do think it is extremely wrong to NOT sacrifice that success when you make the conscious choice to have a child. I think it is irresponsible and degrading for the modern women to literally schedule an unnecessary and painful surgical procedure so that she can choose the day when her child enters the world, as if they are interfering with her precious schedule. Not only are they depriving themselves of an experience that can be powerful, emotional, and inspiring, they are severing that bond that natural birth can create between mother and baby. C-sections absolutely can be necessary, but todays statistics show that they are performed in the United States almost three times as much as they are anywhere else in the world. Women have been convinced that they should take the easy way out. Birth is too hard, too long, and too tiring. If you can’t pop out your little one in three hours of being admitted to the hospital, you are "not progressing fast enough" and they wheel you off to the OR without a second glance, loading you up with drugs that are going straight through your blood and into your baby. If you go a week past your due date, they baby is obviously not coming out on its own so we might as well just force it out. Many mother from older generations had their babies weeks late, and few of them, if any suffered complications. Pregnancy and birth are not a disease or a defect and I find it quite degrading that today’s doctors treat pregnant woman as if they are not capable of birthing their own child. This is what the woman’s body was created to do. For hundreds of years women gave birth in bathtubs without a single ounce of drugs numbing them from their experience. Obviously they didn’t all bleed out and die, or we would not be here today. Of course, natural birth is not for everyone. However, I think that a women should be educated on ALL of her choices and allowed to birth however she pleases. It is HER experience and should not be jaded by some doctor telling her what is best for her and her baby. Women have exceptional instincts when it comes to their bodies and their children, and they should embrace them, not reject them.

When a women does have a child, they are supposed to raise them. It seems like a ridiculous concept for a working women to go back to work before her baby is even 6 months old. Babies and young children are dependent on their parents, not only for love and affection, food and water, but for direction and guidance. By leaving your infant with someone else you are essentially letting them be parented by another person. Women do of course have choices when it comes to working and raising children simultaneously, but more often than not, the child should win out over the job. This does not mean that every woman who has a child should be or has the ability to be a stay at home mom, but if it is a viable option, it is important for that woman to take that opportunity and give her child the best and most fulfilling life possible. The same goes for men. If they feel that they should and are able to stay home with the children while mom goes to work, more power to them. Children need their parents, not a nanny.

Breastfeeding is another tender subject for the modern feminist. Feminism promotes the idea that woman should own their bodies and that by breastfeeding, they are letting their baby control them. It even sounds ridiculous. That’s what boobs are for. Yes, they are nice to look at and men find them attractive, but at the heart of that is because it shows that a woman is fertile and can provide sustenance for her babies. Not only is breastfeeding completely natural, but it behooves the mother and the baby to do it. It helps burn off some of that baby weight, while providing your baby with helpful antibodies and nutrients that augment their growing process. Is it necessary? No. With today’s biological advancements, formula feeding is a viable option. However, every woman should at least consider the possibility of breastfeeding and give it a try. It is not for everyone, just as natural birth is not for everyone, but is another way of embracing what is wonderful about being a woman. What is more awesome and beautiful than being able to provide for your baby, freely and intimately?

The only thing that modern feminism has gotten remotely right is embracing sexuality. Humans are sexual creatures and there is not a thing wrong with that. It doesn’t mean we need to be the next Samantha Jones and sleep with every man that walks by, but that we should not feel inhibited about the beauty of our bodies and the emotional, spiritual connection that being with another person can bring. There is absolutely no reason women should feel like their body is anything less than a temple. Not only because of the pure beauty of it, but because it can harbor and grow life inside of it. It is an amazing and powerful thing that the female body can create, and it should not go unnoticed or ignored. Sex does not have to be guarded, boring and uncomfortable. It is about respect, love and connecting in a way that is pure and human. Sex should never be meaningless, irresponsible or bought and sold.

As women, we must embrace what we were placed on this earth to do. We are born to be mothers, we are born to be companions, we are born to create beauty in a world that is becoming more and more industrialized and institutionalized. Women are ethereal, lovely creatures that should absolutely be respected and appreciated and thanked for their contributions. However, we will never be equal or as culturally "powerful" as a man, because we are not meant to be. We certainly should have every choice available to us in how we live our lives, but we should not reject what is feminine in order to achieve our goals, as it will only take us farther awaytext-align: left; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; line-height: 1.5em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); “>Breastfeeding is another tender subject for the modern feminist.  Feminism promotes the idea that woman should own their bodies and that by breastfeeding, they are letting their baby control them.  It even sounds ridiculous.  That’s what boobs are for.  Yes, they are nice to look at and men find them attractive, but at the heart of that is because it shows that a woman is fertile and can provide sustenance for her babies. Not only is breastfeeding completely natural, but it behooves the mother and the baby to do it.  It helps burn off some of that baby weight, while providing your baby with helpful antibodies and nutrients that augment their growing process.  Is it necessary? No. With today’s biological advancements, formula feeding is a viable option.  However, every woman should at least consider the possibility of breastfeeding and give it a try.  It is not for everyone, just as natural birth is not for everyone, but is another way of embracing what is wonderful about being a woman.  What is more awesome and beautiful than being able to provide for your baby, freely and intimately?  


The only thing that modern feminism has gotten remotely right is embracing sexuality.  Humans are sexual creatures and there is not a thing wrong with that.  It doesn’t mean we need to be the next Samantha Jones and sleep with every man that walks by, but that we should not feel inhibited about the beauty of our bodies and the emotional, spiritual connection that being with another person can bring.  There is absolutely no reason women should feel like their body is anything less than a temple.  Not only because of the pure beauty of it, but because it can harbor and grow life inside of it.  It is an amazing and powerful thing that the female body can create, and it should not go unnoticed or ignored.  Sex does not have to be guarded, boring and uncomfortable.  It is about respect, love and connecting in a way that is pure and human.  Sex should never be meaningless, irresponsible or bought and sold.   


As women, we must embrace what we were placed on this earth to do.  We are born to be mothers, we are born to be companions, we are born to create beauty in a world that is becoming more and more industrialized and institutionalized.  Women are ethereal, lovely creatures that should absolutely be respected and appreciated and thanked for their contributions.  However, we will never be equal or as culturally "powerful" as a man, because we are not meant to be. We certainly should have every choice available to us in how we live our lives, but we should not reject what is feminine in order to achieve our goals, as it will only take us farther away

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August 21, 2010

I am a self-proclaimed NONfeminist for a lot of those same reasons. It drives me crazy that when women are being “marginalized” they want their voice (which is admittedly different and comes from a different perspective) to be heard. But at the same time they are screaming “equality” and like you said, straining to be exactly like men. It’s ridiculous and they cannot have it both ways. Radicalfeminism seems to want to deny all the things that are inherently female and put women into a little box while at the same time claiming there is no box. It’s definitely a hot topic for me, and I have faced a lot of frustrating being a SAHM at a liberal university earning my masters degree, including comments about “the little wifey at home” and a kind of stereotype and judgmental statements that wouldn’t be tolerated against anyone else, but are apparently okay against women who choose to go against the liberal norm.