on my own.

you know, it’s so nice that my parents are always there to help me out…NOT.

i STILL don’t have a driver’s license. my parents said they would buy me a car…until my father decided he wants to buy a mustang. fine. they said they’d let me take over my mom’s lease. that’s all fine and good, except my mother is always at work when i am home. i am always at work when she is home and on the weekends we both have off…she’s gone to her campground the "relax".  now i don’t blame her for wanted her time…but she still has two children living in the house…she’s not off the hook yet.  and i don’t feel comfortable enough driving a truck let alone being in a closed area with my father to have him give me a hand.

now, my boyfriend is gung ho about helping me…but he drives a stick.  plus he works seven days a week to make shit money.  plus he spends ninety percent of that money driving my ass around. 


so tell me…where is my help?

i’ve pretty much decided that as soon as i have the money, i’m gonna buy my own damn car.  hell, i’m half tempted to move out when it happens.  fuck my parents, they obviously don’t feel the need to help me gain my independance…perhaps because i’m their baby…but whatever the reason, if they won’t help, i’ll do it my damn self.  i’m tired of expecting so much out of them and recieving nothing.  my older brother who is dimwitted, irresponsible and quickly on his way to alcoholism gets every damn thing he wants, but me? the responsible, smart one? i get shit.


thanks, mom.

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July 30, 2007

I just saw this documentary last night abut juvenille girls and how f-up their lives actually are because of parents, mothers father who honestly don’t give a shit. I complain about a lot of things but now all I can say is count your blessing. Because there are thousands of people, teenagers worst off then you. Maybe you should rent it. My bf convince me to get it. “Girlhood” Made me heart cry

July 30, 2007

It will also help you appreciate what you do have verses what you don’t. 🙂

July 31, 2007

RYN: I know what you mean. People frustrate me all the time. Especially when they always disappoint you. Its like now a days it really is like the only person you have to depend on is yourself…sigh