if i could reach north carolina…

zachary has been in north carolina since thursday. i miss him like crazy.  he and his cousin rented a white mustang (07 model) for $150 since his cousin works for the dealership…and they drove the whole way.  i really wanted to go, and i was invited, but i couldn’t go because of work and school.  anyway, he’s not going to be back until late tuesday or early wednesday, which sucks because i don’t know what to do with myself without him around.

speaking of work…it has been crazy lately. i’ve been working 40 hours a week because the girl who also worked there and was an assistant manager got fired (long story…basically she is preggers and selfish), so that left me, the other assistant manager and the store manager to run the store.  we also have a girl who comes in some nights to help keep the store clean, but sh has a disability so she can’t run the register or anything.  yeah…three people doing 4+ people’s work…not fun.  but since i start back to school this coming week, i’ll be working only weekends.

i still don’t have my license.  mostly because my mom keeps taking the car so i can’t drive it.  we have gone driving around my house a few times, and i’m getting the feel of things.  i just need to do some highway driving and practice parking and i think i’ll be ready to take my test and get my cute little car to drive around in.

zachary and i will be going to the jewelry store soon to pick out my birthday present. đŸ˜€ i’m excited. it’s not going to be an engagement ring or anything, just something to show i’m taken and he loves me a whole bunch!!!


ah well…off to do nothing for the rest of the night…

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September 2, 2007

you should get one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claddagh_ring they’re coolio, and i’ve seen some really nice ones with stone hearts.