i got…

a brand new silver blackberry curve! thanks to my boyfriend who used to work for at&t i was able to get it for $200 with a $100 rebate, so in total i’m only spending $100 dollars. and my whole family got new phones – my brother a red blackberry curve, my mom and dad got free nokia flip phones.  since the people who work at that particular store know me, we also got a 25% discount on our phone bill, and considering we were already saving $80 from switching from sprint to at&t, that’s pretty fantastic. obviously it pays to know people…

i’m learning that having a blackberry is much more complicated then having my old LG flip phone that didn’t do anything. with this phone i can text, talk and e-mail all at the SAME TIME! it’s crazy. not that i’ll be using any of the e-mail features because i don’t really need them, but it’s nice to have GPS incase of an emergency, and to be able to text a lot faster because now i have a QWERTY keyboard! yay!  it will definetely take some getting used to trying to navigate all the options and settings, but so far i’ve figured out how to download and set ringtones and other simple stuff like that. 

besides all that technical mumbo jumbo, life is interesting lately.  i’m almost done with this semester of school which will be a relief because my classes have totally drained me.  my relationship with zachary is holding strong even with 1,200 some-odd miles between us.  we talk on the phone everyday and he’s coming for a visit (we’re going to a wedding that he’s standing up in) mid-may.  i’ll probably go down there with some friends on a road trip if we can afford it in the summer when i’m not taking classes for spring semester.  then i’ll be turnign 21 (!!!!) in october, so zachary is going to try to set up a sweet trip to the florida keys so that i can get drunk florida style! i’ll be so happy once i can walk into a bar and order a cosmo and just chill out. 

oh, i also thought of one other electronic-related newsflash: MY PC SUCKS.  apparently my school e-mail has some sort of certificate error that i keep getting warned about before i can access it.  my AIM is not connecting even though my internet is working fine, and i’m having a lot of trouble accessing certain websites.  IE just periodically desides to close itself without giving me so much as an error message. it’s pretty ridiculous actually. i’m fairly certain that i probably have a few viruses running around in there somewhere, and i’m regretting letting my mother talk me into a dell when i really wanted a mac.  mac’s don’t get viruses often and they are WAY more user friendly from my experience.  PLUS they are prettier…what kind of girl doens’t love a pretty computer, right?

anywho, i should probably get to bed soon seeing as i have an early doctors appointment tomorrow, even though it’s just so that they can authorize a refill of my perscrption because my dumb insurance doesn’t cover another pap smear until exactly one year after my previous one. stuuuuupid. ah well, that’s life.

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