
i guess it’s been a while, eh?

let’s see, since last wrote a lot has happened. i finished school for the semester and i think i did pretty well. only one of my grades has come in so far and it was a B+ in my philosophy of religion class. pretty good considering i bullshitted my entire way through it.  next semester is going to be rough.  i have a night class due to a cancellation of the afternoon class i signed up for and the only other time it’s offered is at 6:30pm on a monday. ek.  oh well, its a creative writing workshop in fiction so i’m sure i will love it.  plus i already had the prof who teaches it and i know she’s good.

my relationship with zach is still holding strong.  he’s struggling a lot right now because of losing his job and he’s probably no getting me anything for christmas because all of his bills are past due and he has maybe 30 dollars in the bank.  i don’t mind though. i’m just trying to be as supportive as i can until he finds something else. as it stands right now he can’t go to florida until gets some money together to get down there.  so i guess that’s good for me because i get to hold on to him for a little while longer.

i haven’t been partying nearly as much as i used to.  since i got my car i usually drink early in the night and then let it wear off befoe i go home.  i definetely do not need to get caught drunk driving underage.  my parents would probably die.  but last weekend i stayed over at zach’s so i was able to get shit drunk and not worry about it.  and i succeeded i doing just that.  i think i drank a total of 2 shots of three olives and 3 bacardi and cokes.  all within about two hours.  amazingly i didn’t pass out or anything.  zach and i didn’t get home until almost 6am that night and i had to work at 1pm the next day…so i wanted to go straight to bed.  but we ended up talking and being intimate till about 8am.  it was really really really amazing.  at one point he held me so close and whispered "god i love you so much" into my ear.  i don’t know why, but i feel like we really needed that night together.  it brought us even closer together.

i’ve even managed to make some cool new friends that AREN’T boys.  anyone who knows me knows that i hang ou with the guys all the time…i’m practically one of them.  they don’t even censor themselves around me anymore.  but these few girls that i’ve met are actually cool to hang with.  they aren’t those snobby bitches i’m used to seeing at parties, they are just there to have a good time. 

so anyway, that’s my life as of now.  i just felt i needed to fill in my very few readers on what’s up.

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January 2, 2008

RYN: Thanks. Yeah, I checked my pupils and they were normal. But I’ve had a concussion before where my pupils were normal. So I stayed awake just in case I had one, but whatever it was, I’m fine now. 😉 <

January 11, 2008

Yeah, the guys I hang out with don’t even censor their talk around me anymore either. But I guess that’s what happens when you go to school with them for 4 years and you’re the only girl in the class. But I like hanging out with the guys – no drama. RYN: I definitely, completely agree with you that the rape screwed her up. Rape will do that to anyone every time. Like I said though…

January 11, 2008

… she was having these problems before the rape, so while I know the rape didn’t cause them, I know the rape escalated them. And I also know that I shouldn’t shove my beliefs on her – ESPECIALLY since she is hurting so much right now. That would be why I didn’t, and I did all the research and let her explain and think outloud about how she was feeling. I only finally stated my…

January 11, 2008

…beliefs when it got to the point where she was shoving her beliefs in my face and fully expecting me to follow her. I needed her to know before things got worse that I could never deny what the Bible says. Believe me, I put that off as long as I could. We’ll see where it takes us. <