NoJoMo Entry: Thursday Night

I want to make another attempt at this November Journaling Month challenge.  My first and last attempt was two years ago, I believe.  I think I made it halfway through before giving up.  I meant to write an entry yesterday but I was procrastinating on it.  I told myself I will write an entry after taking a nap.  A few minutes after I laid down my friend Bryan texted me to see if I wanted to meet him for wings at Buffalo Wild Wings.  I said yes.  I needed to get money from him for the popcorn he ordered from my son’s cub scout fundraiser plus I hadn’t seen my friend in a while.

So, we met up at BWW and we talked about his Halloween birthday party, his newborn daughter, and his crazy family.  Their latest bit of insanity is that Bryan has a brother that is moving a good distance and his mom is freaking out about the U-Haul truck.  She is afraid for anybody to drive it because of the lack of a rearview mirrow.  Well, afraid for anybody except Bryan.  She believes he is the only one skilled or qualified to drive it.  Mind you, the U-Haul truck is the smallest one available and the easiest to control and navigate. 

After BWW, I was not ready to go home.  I texted Bonnie to see what she was up to.  She did not reply.  I really wanted to stay out so I even texted Wendy.  She was still in her evening classes.  Driving back home I came across the park I used to take my son when was about 4 and 5 years old.  It is a nice little park with a big duck pond.  I turned into the park to take a stroll.  It was about 7:00p or 7:30p and already dark.  It felt appropriate to walk down memory lane with darkness engulfing the park.  There were people walking the trail, playing basketball in the basketball court, hanging out at the picnic gazebos, and sitting near the pond feeding the ducks.  Even though they were real people they felt and looked like the dark shadows of distant memories.

As I would approach a certain spot or landmark of the park, I would remember certain activities with my son that took place there when he was younger.  Eventually, I came across a picnic table and ended up sitting there just thinking for about half an hour.  I watched a flock of ducks surround a couple sitting in the grass feeding them bits of bread.  I watched the ducks scatter as the couple got up to leave.  Shortly, after they left, I got up too and headed for my car.  When I arrived at the park, there was a row of 20 port-o-potties.  I wondered what event occured or was going to occur for there to be so many at the park.  They were all tied lock with that hard plastic cords called zipties, I think.  Well, all were locked except the handi-accesible one as there was no loop for there to be a ziptie.  That was relief as I needed to relieve myself.

I got back to my car and still did not want to head home.  I decided I would go to Barnes and Noble as they said open until 10p.  I did go home for a moment to pick up my Nook and then headed to B&N.  I ordered a coffee at the in-store Starbucks and sat down on an available armchair and found an in-store e-book to read.  B&N lets you read e-books for free for an hour a day if they have that book in their store.  Anyway, I downloaded Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.  As I was reading it, Bonnie called.  She had just finished a weird date as she put it.  Turns out the guy is too agressive.  She was very irratated but did not want to appear as the bad guy by turning him down if he should ask her out again.  At that point I stopped listening.  I was irratated myself.  She was thinking about going on a second date with a guy she despises but won’t kiss me or let me kiss her.  I felt like hanging up on her.  But, I really wanted company.  After Bonnie was done blah blah blah-ing, I asked if she wanted to meet at IHOP for a light dinner.  So, shortly after we met at IHOP. 

We talked about a little bit about the weird aggressive date guy.  I told her she needs to be careful.  She just said that I was upset because she won’t date me.  We also talked about Laura and how grateful Bonnie and her mom are about me spending time with Laura.  Bonnie made it sound like I was performing hard messy volunteer work.  I am spending time with Laura because I love her and foolishly hoping she comes to fall in love with me.

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