Four Year Update

Wow, after four years Open Diary is back up and running.  How I missed it!

Not much has changed for me, unfortunately…

My past entries included talking about Laura and Bonnie.  A few things have changed for them.

When last mentioned, Laura briefly moved in with me then moved back in with her mom.  Her anorexia and bulimia is going full steam.  Bonnie has told me that her teeth have started falling out due to the acid erosion and malnutrition.  Laura’s weight is down to the mid-80s.  Mostly recently she went to the doctor to get a recommendation to get into a treatment program.  But, she went into the appointment wearing weights to tip the scale.  The doctor “fired” her.

Laura and I are no longer talking.  Not that we talked that often when she ran off to her mom’s but she would like or comment on my Facebook posts.  But, a couple of years I was really upset at Bonnie and basically trashed her on Facebook.  Even though Laura and I would trash Bonnie over the same issues I had mentioned in my post, Laura was really upset about it.  Ever since then, she has written me off.

As for Bonnie, we did not talk for about 6 months after my little Facebook rant.  She is still stalking Albert.  The stalking stopped for a while after Bonnie high tailed it to Austin from Dallas when she heard Albert was going down there for a DJ music event.  After the event Albert’s friends who she feels are her friends had after party plans and left Bonnie at the venue.  Albert pulled Bonnie aside and basically told her she needs to stop following him and that there is no future between them.  The stalking stopped for a while but did ultimately resume.  The stalking has decreased due to Bonnie’s weight gain.  She mentioned about going to a house party where Albert was.  Albert’s circle of friends were ignoring her and Albert was being as she phrased it “elusive”.  Apparently, there was a cat at this party, she deluded herself into thinking that the cat needed taking care of and spent the rest of the party alone in a room watching the cat.

Bonnie is also now suffering from a condition known as delusional parasitosis.  She read a story about a woman who had a parasite in her eye and the emergency treatment that woman had to go through.  Bonnie thinks she is infested.  She feels there are parasites in her eyes, stool, urine, and in her bloodstream.  She felt the only people that could help and treat her was the CDC.  She stopped short of starting a GoFund Me page to fund raise a trip to the CDC.  I was tempted to finance her trip if I could film it.  I can image her attempting to step into the CDC like its a walk-in clinic and pleading with security to let her in.

As for me, I am going on a low-carb diet for the month of February.  I figure as February is the shortest month that I can handle a diet for the duration of the shortest month of the year.  Documenting in Open Diary will hopefully keep me on track.

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February 1, 2018

Welcome back!

February 1, 2018

There hasn’t been much that has changed with me in terms of life either. And welcome back!!

February 1, 2018

Good luck on your journey!

February 1, 2018

Welcome home, I look forward to reading more and hope things get better in the near future!