Blame Game

I texted Bonnie yesterday to see if she wanted to hang out preferably at my house to give each other semi-intimate massages.  She wanted to go to the Arboretum even though by the time we would get there, the place would be closing in about an hour.  I suggested a free park but she claimed she did not want to go to a local place but I know it is because she hates seeing all the playing kids there as she feels like a failure for not having her own kids by now.  She was passionate about going to the Arboretum.  Luckily, the place was having a discounted admission special so it wasn’t so bad to pay and only being able to spend about 45 minutes there.

So, while we were walking back to her car, Bonnie wanted to go out to eat at this Italian restaurant in the shopping center she parked.  I told her I would rather not as Italian is mostly all carbs and plus I didn’t have the money.  She offered to pay.  Surprised, I took her up on her offer.

While we were eating, we talked a little bit about Laura.  Bonnie blames Laura for a lot of the disappoints and failures in Bonnie’s life.  The reason Bonnie didn’t get recommended for a local church after she was ordained, Laura.  The reason she wasn’t married by now, Laura.  The reason she wasn’t asked to be a bridesmaid at their cousin’s wedding, Laura.  The last one Bonnie is still really sore.

Bonnie is late for just about everything.  She would be late coming in to work.  She would be late arriving to family functions.  She would be late arriving to friends’ parties and not fashionably late either.  One party of mention she arrived at a mutual childhood friend’s birthday party 5 minutes before it was scheduled to end late at night.  She didn’t understand why his wife was upset with her when she didn’t leave with the rest of the guests.  Our friend was a little upset but stayed up to visit with her for about an hour before suggesting she did need to leave.  Okay, Bonnie, do you not see why you cannot be trusted to be a bridesmaid?

Bonnie feels her cousin didn’t want to hurt Laura’s feelings by asking Bonnie and not Laura to be a bridesmaid.  Bonnie goes on to mention that their cousin did get upset at Bonnie for being late to the wedding and the reception.  Bonnie claims she wasn’t late to the wedding.  That’s up for debate.  She did admit she was late to the reception.  Okay, Bonnie, you were at the wedding and still managed to be late to the reception.  Again, do you not see why your cousin couldn’t trust you to be a bridesmaid?  But, of course, your pattern of behavior is not to blame, it’s Laura.  SMH

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February 5, 2018

Unfortunately, there are those who fail to take responsibility for their actions.

February 5, 2018

@rubykisses I totally agree here!