Binging and Purging

Today is Saturday.  Laura has shut herself in her room again and is presently binging and purging.  She was binging and purging Tuesday as well.  On Tuesday Laura was shut herself away in her room watching Netflix, I assumed.  Later in the afternoon, she said she was going to the pharmacy to pick up some medication.  While she was out, I gave my dog a bath.  After I finished washing him, he was running this way and that way as dogs tend to do after a bath.  He then pushed against Laura’s closed bedroom door and barged his way into her room.  He had been sniffing around her door while she was home.  I wondered why he was so curious.  I found out why.   When I went to retrieve my dog from her room, I found along side her bed a pile of empty junk food packages and a trashcan with a heavy duty black garbage bag that luckily part of it was folded over the top concealing its contents from view.  I did not look inside. 

I left her room and closed her door.  Laura came back home after a while.  Shortly after she arrived, I got into the shower to get ready to meet up with Wendy and later Bryan at a bar.  As I was in the shower, I was looking out of the window into the back driveway and saw Laura trying to covertly bring in two full plastic grocery bags of what I assumed was binge food.  I was a bit saddened and humored at the same time.  I just remember thinking that doesn’t Laura know I can see out the window.  I guess she thought I would be too busy washing my bits and pieces to gaze out the window.

When I got back from the bar Tuesday night, I saw Laura had taken out the trash.  Trying to cover her tracks, I guess.  Wednesday morning after she left for something or other, I looked into the trash bin.  There was a trash bag full her junk food packages.  I didn’t look for the nefarious black trash bag.  What I did find was one grocery bag tied close with two unopened bags of cookies.  I was annoyed at that.  She could have passed those on to her roommates of me and Wendy.

Presently, Laura just left the house without a word.  I am assuming she is going to buy more binge food.  When I awoke today from my nap, I went to check the mail.  I found my first issue of my dive magazine subscription.  I lied down on the couch to read.  Laura did not know I was up.  She opened her bedroom door said hello then immediately went back into her room and shut her door.  She started what sounded like getting a new trash bag ready to put in her trash basket.  I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge.  I found a gallon of milk and a half gallon of ice cream.

I just got up to check to see if the ice cream is still there.  Yes, but the gallon of milk is now gone.  A binge of milk and cookies, maybe.  Laura has the thermostat low again.  I was about to see if she has her vent closed.  That is so freaking annoying.  She turns down the thermostat then closes the vent to her bedroom.  Inconsiderate woman.  I was headed to her room and found on her bedroom door a sticky note:  "Sleeping. Do not disturb."  Whatever.  I am not deaf and blind.  I heard her walk out of the house.  I can see her car is not in the driveway.  So, I guess she means is that her room is piled with junk food and empty packages and possibly a trash can full of purged food.

I do not think I would mind so much if she would just leave the thermostat alone or at least have the vent to her bedroom opened.  Plus, it would nice if she would be more social.  I mean, I know she is bulimic.  She knows I know she is bulimic.  She openly and a little freely talks about her bulimia.  So why so secretive during her binging and purging sessions?


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June 23, 2013

Because even though your friends might know, you still don’t want them to know when you’re doing it. Plus you know you shouldn’t be doing it, so you hide it. And even though you might tell people, you still don’t really want anyone thinking about it too much, they might want you to stop. Not that I have ever been bulimic, but I have had other such secretive habits.

June 23, 2013

Because even though your friends might know, you still don’t want them to know when you’re doing it. Plus you know you shouldn’t be doing it, so you hide it. And even though you might tell people, you still don’t really want anyone thinking about it too much, they might want you to stop. Not that I have ever been bulimic, but I have had other such secretive habits.

June 23, 2013

Because even though your friends might know, you still don’t want them to know when you’re doing it. Plus you know you shouldn’t be doing it, so you hide it. And even though you might tell people, you still don’t really want anyone thinking about it too much, they might want you to stop. Not that I have ever been bulimic, but I have had other such secretive habits.

June 23, 2013

Because even though your friends might know, you still don’t want them to know when you’re doing it. Plus you know you shouldn’t be doing it, so you hide it. And even though you might tell people, you still don’t really want anyone thinking about it too much, they might want you to stop. Not that I have ever been bulimic, but I have had other such secretive habits.