Weekend x2 [pics]
I need a mental break from this stupid paper I am writing on gender roles/stereotyping in media. I have almost 800/1200 words and I need to pull the rest out of my ass here before midnight. I have about 6hrs remaining and that has to be enough time. Fortunately, this is a draft so I will get by with having some minor grammatical errors. In fact, I purposefully left a few errors in the paper because we have to correct a minimum of five things between draft and final version. I will correct 50 things, I’m sure.
Last weekend was pretty nice. Liam and I went to the Elks and a movie on Friday, we went to a concert on Saturday, and Sunday we lazed around until noon because we could. I wish this weekend had been just as nice. We went to an open mic night on Thursday and I took some pretty cool pics despite not being allowed to use flash.
I love the shadow in this picture
I really like a lot of things about this photo: the guitar on the left side, the pop of blue on the drum and my fave guys.
He looks so deep in thought
Hearing him solo was a definite highlight of my night. He’s so talented.
Friday was kind of a blur. I had a bunch of errands to run and homework to do so I spent a good part of the day doing those things. I went to the office for a little bit and came home to realize they were going to be releasing the schools early because of a pending storm. I ended up taking Lola to the vet to have her sutures removed. Liam had to pick up his truck so we did that and went to his place to get my car. As I was leaving I knew it was bad news. I slid down his (steep) driveway, couldnt stop, barely missed getting T-boned by oncoming traffic and slammed my Forester right into a telephone pole. The airbags did not deploy because the impact wasnt huge and the snowbank I drove through really absorbed a lot of the damage. I was fine even though my wrist is a little tender (now that its a few days later) and I managed to escape with having cracked the bumper in three places. I did more damage to the pole than to my car.
I went to the grocery store on the way home to get some bread and milk and the kids helped me make soup. I worked on my gender media paper and putzed around before going to bed at some ungodly hour. Yesterday (Saturday) I took the kids to Wisp (nearest ski resort) and we did some hardcore snow tubing. Josh lives about 20min from Wisp and I asked him to meet me there since he couldnt pick them up on Friday like we had planned. He took them home with him and after 19hours I picked them up this afternoon.
I have to finish two labs and this paper tonight plus whatever other little things I missed like discussion/conference replies. I am feeling pretty overwhelmed by the whole thing but it will get better. I cant imagine it will be like this forever.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Here’s to a low-key week!
RYN: From the email receipt that you received from PayPal, if you could paste in a private note in my diary the entire subscription details section and I’ll take care of that for you. Eric
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Thanks for stopping by. Best of luck with your paper! I’m preparing for an exam tomorrow myself. Ewww.
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I applied your subscription to your diary. Your current expiration date is 8/9/2013 2:52:11 PM. Eric
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Snow tubing is a blast. Down here, we steal blue plastic trays from the galley, which we’re not supposed to do. Glad you weren’t hurt in that accident! :/
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^ Steal trays from the galley to slide down snowy hills on. I should have specified. We don’t steal them just for the hell of it.
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