Socks and Shakespeare
Thanks to all who commented on my last entry, I really appreciated hearing your words. I felt justified in a way and I feel grateful for your support.
I did not have to work today which was nice. I had a lab and lecture this morning so I spent the day at the school listening to the professor talk about diagnostic tools, more pharmacology stuff and even a few stories from his own career that he likes mixing in every once in a while. I really enjoy this professor and am always glad to be in his class.
After school Ed (husband) and I went to exchange a pair of shoes for our daughter then we went to Kohl’s because I had some Kohl’s cash that expired tomorrow. I must be an adult now because I bought a pair each of serving spoons and serving forks. I picked up a few pairs of fun socks for my kids to give as Valentine’s Day presents. We are sock-a-holics in this house and when you’re stuffed into a uniform all day and work in peds, fun socks are great conversation pieces with kids. I wish we could wear fun scrub tops but that’s neither here nor there.
The rest of my afternoon involved picking up or dropping off one kid from one activity to the next. We all sat down to dinner and the chatter was to a minimum. In fact, it was non-existent. I don’t know if we are all tired or what but nobody talked much. I asked the usual mom questions: how was your day? What did you learn in school? Etc. I got a bunch of monosyllabic replies and decided it was okay to skip the talking for one meal. Aidan, 15, went to take a nap and Emma, 12, went to read a book in her room. Ed left for his guy’s night and I retreated to my office where I am currently writing this entry. The kids have Mutual tonight (youth group) and will be leaving shortly. The weather has been unseasonably warm today so they decided they wanted to walk/ride their bikes. Wednesday is my usual Stitch-N-Bitch night but I am not going this week. I did start a new project today but I think I am going to stay home and enjoy the quiet.
Speaking of quiet, it’s too quiet in my house right now. All of the dogs are asleep. Louie and Arlo on the couch in the living room and Nora is lying on the floor next to my chair. She has a bladder infection which we have been treating for almost a week and I really hope she perks up soon. She has been mopey and glued to my side whenever I am home. Poor puppy.
I finished reading Orphan #8 today which was a really great book. I recommend it. I challenged myself to read 12 books this year and this was the fourth I have completed. I set the bar low because I know how busy I am and how fickle I can be when it comes to reading. Some months I devour books and some months I couldn’t be bothered to read anything at all. To be honest, I am taking a literature class right now and that has almost burned me out on reading. I have 3 weeks left and while I am counting down the hours, I am no where near ready for it to end. I have not budgeted enough time to write my final paper or finish reading Othello. In fact, I rented a DVD of Othello to watch tonight and plan to follow along in my book as it goes. I am hoping this will help me to get through it just a little faster. If I can watch it 2-3x maybe I can get some of it to stick. To be honest, Shakespeare isn’t really my thing. Don’t get me wrong, I think he was brilliant and super talented but I feel so ignorant when I read it because I have to stop, reread, look up every other word, reread, etc.. I like the premise behind his works, I just need a more modern translation. Haha.
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good night. I work with Dr. W tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes. Julie, his nurse, texted me last night saying that he was looking for me to apologize but I had already left. It was nice of her to send me a message but it didn’t really release much of the sting. Hopefully tomorrow it will all be water under the bridge and we can move forward and save some lives.
With that, I bid you all a great evening.
Until next time…
My five year old won’t stop talking to me…EVER! I’m kinda looking forward to the days parents with teenagers talk about. LOL. You’ve already completed four books this year and it’s barely February?!?
I also gave myself a 12 book goal (one book a month) and I’m on chapter 2 of my first book which is, get this, IT. Yeah, a 2,000 page book. Really smart, right?
Hope work goes smoothly for you tomorrow! x
@rochelleash Haha! Whatever works for you! I could not read that, I’d be too intimidated. So far this year I have read:
Everything is Awful and other observations by Matt Bellassai
Orphan #8 by Kim van Alkemade
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim
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I’ve been the same with reading lately. In fact, I can’t remember the last book I read, it’s been that long of a slump. Remember when we used to have the book club? haha
@kraziekatt Yes! We need that again. For reals.
I just started The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin today.
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