Cats, ChuckieB, Failing English, and Eagle Scouts

One of the most challenging things about using a computer is doing so when you are owned by a cat/kitten or two. I am trying to write with one of my rescue kittens sitting on my lap(and keyboard).  He’s the last of a litter of seven and is very lonely and missing his mama and siblings. It’s been a good few weeks with him – I haven’t been able to take him to an adoption day for two weeks because he bit the DM (!!!!) (it was the DM’s fault – he scared the kitten), and we hold for at least ten days if a cat bites. Anyway, he’s learned some good manners and has become a really sweet little guy – but he is also beginning to think this is home, and it is not, so off he goes on Sat. to another adoption day. Here’s his pic:

Last I wrote, before Blather died, I was off to trap these kittens and their Mama. It took about 10 days to get everyone and if you could have seen us crawling under the porch where these guys were hanging out, stinky sardines and trap in hand, you would have gotten a good laugh. I am surprised they all had made it to as old as they were – they were by such a busy road – I am shocked they weren’t all road pancakes. When we captured Thomas (AKA Socks), it was most funny…he was the last one to get, and was mewing fretfully outside. It was about 10 pm and DM and I were outside of the business where these kittens were, he hiding next to a fence with a large fishing net in hand, and myself sitting in the dark, meowing my kitten meow. For about a half hour we did this, until eventually, the kitten came close enough for DM to snag it with the net. Thank God no one  saw me out there – or I would have been committed – out there, crouching in the dark, meowing……how’s that for stability!  You gotta do what you gotta do, eh?!  At least 7 out of the 8 have gotten a good home and I’m hoping his time willl come as well.

I was fortunate enough to read all the wonderful thoughts in the ChuckieB Diary. What an amazing group of people we have here…as much as Chuck gave to all of us, I thank you all for giving him so much love and friendship. For those of you that were close friends with him, I hope you know that your friendship saved his life and made him reconcile with so many of the demons that had haunted him from his past. You gave him some very happy times and let him know that he was truly appreciated – I know that when he passed on to his next adventure that he knew we all truly cared about him. He knew he had a home with all of us.

I miss reading his diary.

We received our college freshman son’s midterm grades today….our voted “class writer” of his high school senior class is failing English – isn’t it ironic, the DM’s son failing English – anyway…it seems he’s viewing dates papers are due as optional. It is really difficult when you know he’s capable of great things and yet he doesn’t care one way or another. He’s got potential – I just wish he’d realize that.

Son#2 is currently chosing his Eagle Scout project. I think he’s going to run an extensive fund raising drive to generate money to buy portable defibrillators for different places in town – sports fields, library and such. I think it would be a good chocie and an opportunity to learn how to solicit corporations, write newspaper PR and manage a large group of scouts in different fund raising events etc. It will be a fun year!

I hope all is well in your world – one of the nicest entries in the ChuckieB diary was Michelle’s entry and her reminding us of Chuck’s parting thoughts “You Can make a difference”……how fitting…..DMS




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November 10, 2004

We just adopted two kittens. 🙂

Hope the kittens find great homes.

November 10, 2004

Aloha nui loa…

November 10, 2004

What an interesting mental picture I am having, of DM with his net, and you, meowing in the dark! I’m glad you rescued the kittens–and I’m sorry DM got bitten. (Mostly I’m sorry because I laughed, though it wasn’t really funny…but I did anyway. ) 🙂

November 10, 2004

The link isn’t working for me. 🙁

i’ve got two new adoptees (from may) that think computer time means love the kitten time. They learned from the dog how to force my hands onto their head, where i just naturally scratch. Quite annoying when trying to type. The link says the page is unavailable btw.

Aw, I would love to take the kitten if I lived anywhere near NJ!

November 10, 2004

If I weren’t already owned by 5 I would consider adopting him – He looks like such a sweetie!

November 10, 2004

omg…I’m in love.

November 10, 2004

i love my kittens and I can totally relate to what you are saying…my Cat ‘Callie’ has been pretty upset since I got a laptop…HER lap is now occupied. Now she sits next to me and stares at my typing fingers until I move the laptop and she hops on up!

November 10, 2004

Aww, I wish I could have a kitten! HE is so adorable! And it’s so cute that you guys go through all that trouble to get those kitties 🙂 Mean ol DM, scaring kittens! I can see it now…the next time things go wrong around here and people are demonizing him, people will talk about how he’s so mean to kittens! 😉

November 10, 2004

I wish I knew if Chuck had favorite causes for us to “make a difference” in his name. But then again, since we don’t know, we can all make a difference where it is most appropriate where we live. Years ago I used to work with the Make A Wish Foundation when I lived in Ohio. Tonight I’m going to find out if there’s a chapter near me in NC., and see what I can do to help. Take care, kitten lady!

November 10, 2004

I did the same thing when I was a freshman… ended up teaching English for 4 years. I didn’t realize that college was actually more difficult than high school… but I learned! 😉

November 10, 2004

Aw! That kitty is just too adorable!

I completely feel you about trying to use the computer with cats around. 🙂

Oh, I also rescued my second cat from petfinder. That’s a great place. 🙂

November 10, 2004

Such a cute kitten. I have every intention of doing dog and cat rescue one I have a house. Although my dog might have to learn some harsh lessons in respecting a cat, since the cat I have allows the dog to torture him.

November 10, 2004

What a beautiful kitten! If I didn’t already have 6 cats of my own and live in FL, I would definitely adopt that little cutie.

November 10, 2004

All of the cats we have ever owned were rescued. I think we are about to hjave another one because it hangs out at our new house. My kitty Tigger loves my keyboard. Any reason for him to be on it is fully taken advantage of and he is HUGE. Anywho, have a good one!

Our oldest son is a minister living in North Carolina, yet, his freshman year in college he majored in Marlboro and Budweiser! Then, one day, he looked in the mirror and decided to grow up. And they do grow up. He graduated from college, was accepted into seminary, married a wonderful girl that is the daughter I never had! It is such a relief when sons get married! They get tamed! Love,

November 10, 2004
November 10, 2004

Oh, that kitten is just too cute!

November 10, 2004

Thomas is sooo cute!

November 10, 2004

What an adorable kitten! NJ is a little far for us to go & I hate to say,*sigh*I’m allergic. I actually would love to get a cat, but if we do…after a couple months…I’ll probably be in the hospital. I can’t say much about son #1. I was told I had tons of potential & I did, but I was lacking motivation. Good luck to #2. As daunting as it seems when you think of all the little thing…

November 10, 2004

a very worthwhile endeavor. Take care! 🙂

November 11, 2004

JUst discovered Chuck’s Diary thanks to Gabrielle and Gemma … Trust this is one of the Diaries you will also keep online, I hope so. Thanks for your entry 😉

November 11, 2004

hey…sometimes you just have to go out in the dark, crouch and meow. Whatever gets you through the night.

November 11, 2004

I think it’s wonderful you do so much for the kitties. One of my cats was adopted from no-kill shelters (the other from a foster-home-type situation), and it’s so sad when you go there and people want to give up their cats, which is sad enough, and then it’s sad that the shelter has to turn them away, because they only have so much room.

RYN: One good mother can somehow spot another good mother! The hardest thing I have ever done is allowing my sons to grow up and do their own thing. When I let go, they grew up, like magic! So, be patient with your son. Watch him like a hawk and then be there for him. Your love for your son is so evident between the lines of your entry! Love,

November 11, 2004

Since May I have rescued two feral cats and their kittens. Got good homes for all the kittens. The cat I took in in May finally has become an overly friendly housecat. Her sister I took in about 8 weeks ago stays hidden most of the time and hissy if I come upon her when she comes out to eat.

November 11, 2004

Thanks for doing the rescue work. Those are some lucky kittens. I miss Chuck terribly, too.

November 11, 2004

You know, I can easily identify with your oldest son. I wasn’t ready for college, and I don’t know what would’ve made me ready for college at 18. *shakes head* Anyway, the kitty is adorable! If you guys weren’t so far away and I had time… *smiles* Hugs

November 11, 2004

What an adorable kitten! 🙂

What a sweetie! I bet you could actually find plenty of homes for kittens from OD members. Lots of cat lovers around these parts. (Myself included.)

Aww, I just saw Matt last night. If I’d have known I woulda yelled at him for failing English. Failing is bad. Hopefully it’s just because he’s just started college and he’ll turn things around soon. Good luck with the cat and such. He’s adorable. 🙂

November 13, 2004

That kitten is sooooo cute!

November 14, 2004

I think I will look into Petfinder. I want to get an older kitten (younger cat??) for my son… sorry to hear about the english failure… hope he brings the grades up soon! We will all miss Chuck. I didn’t know him well, but I enjoyed his diary. (((hugs))) to you and DM

Son #1 will come around….he’ll realize how important it is to get those things in on time, especially if he has to retake any classes, because it is NOT fun retaking stuff, especially when the instructor knows you as “the kid that failed last semester and is taking this again because they slacked off.”

November 15, 2004

aww they sound cute 🙂

November 18, 2004

Ahh! You sound like such an amazing Person. That must be so hard for you to have to have the kittens live at your house then give them away but its such a heart felt deed. You and Diary Master are just too wonderful.. *Lisa*

November 19, 2004

I can just see you two out there tryin’ to get the kitty … how funny … also how so very sweet a pic that conjures up as well. That there is some really cool beans!!

November 23, 2004

I can visualize you and the DM trying to catch the kitten.So nice to read you.After reading a few of your entries, I see a person with a good heart.So sorry about Chuck.Of course I did hear of him in the two years since I’ve been with OD, but I didn’t read his diary.Wishing him peace where ever he may be now.My daughter was an English major.(c)

November 23, 2004

(c)She is a wonderful writer and as far I know she doesn’t have a diary here.She graduated with Summa honors.I used to wonder where she got her love for reading and writing.I certainly didn’t think it was me, but maybe I was wrong.Since I’ve come to OD, being touched by one person here has made a big difference in my life.I discovered, I am a writer.I hope things go well with your son(c)

November 23, 2004

(c)and he comes to realize his gift.I also know that one person can make a difference in a person’s life.So very true.

December 10, 2004

I was a math person until college. And then it flipped. I got pretty much straight C’s until college. Partly because I just didn’t care. Until the challenge of college envigorated me. It’s hard to explain.

I’m new to OD and I just thought I’d say hey. Hey. XD

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I changed my username, its OperaGhost now. Don’t forget how much I love ya!!! Keep smiling sunshine, Leah ~*~ (ex GoddessAphrodite)

i hope you had a happy birthday love, Teresa

March 19, 2005

I’m new to OD, and just wanted to say hey! Hope to get some notes from you soon! =D Have a fabulous weekend!!! ~Vanessa

May 3, 2005

I wish you wrote more often. I love your sense of humor. 🙂

She is also a sister of the two others, but from another litter. Sadly we cannot rescue the momma as she is too feral and we cannot touch her without her going bonzai on us. And now this big fella….we’ve dubbed him Calvin (as the original male is named Hobbes). And the two females are Honey and Ariel (Lil Miss).

August 30, 2005

We haven’t heard anything from you in a while and I just wanted to let you know that I hope you and your family (pets included as family, of course) are getting along splendidly. Have a nice day! 🙂

October 31, 2005

Memory entries at ChuckieB on the first anniversary for you to read and perhaps make an entry for us if you would like to. 🙂

November 20, 2005

Woah, it’s been over a year!

May 14, 2006

Happy Mother’s Day to you. 🙂

September 11, 2006

Hi – Will you ever be writing again? 🙁

January 23, 2007

So, are you still around?

March 14, 2007

March 22, 2007

Theres a rumor circulating on the OD that Diarymaster cooked you and ate you with a fine chianti and some fava beans. You must come back and clear his good name. You must.

April 24, 2007

2 and a half years without a public entry! We miss you!

August 17, 2007

If you cannot get into my diary, more information is here in an entry in my secondary diary: Let me know? Thanks.

April 3, 2008

I no longer use my old diary, The Godfather, but wanted to stop by and say hello anyway. 🙂

June 15, 2008

I miss your writing…. I’m sure you’re doing fine, but I miss your writing. Hugs

August 11, 2009

Too bad you stopped writing. You still log in though, so that’s okay.

April 22, 2013

Maybe you will write here again one day. Tell Bruce to hand this site over to people who give a **** about running it, this is ridiculous. I miss the heady days of 2004 when management engaged with the community a bit.

6 days ago

I have tried everything I can think of to contact you.
To no avail.

Please tell me how to get a message to Support — every time I try I get ahn error message.

Thank you.