A Tardy Thank You Note

Dear Blather,

I am writing to you today because you left before I could say goodbye. I was sitting in the kitchen when Bruce came in , looking anemic and said “Blather died”. My first response was “excuse me?” – I was not processing what I was hearing, afterall, you’ve been through so very much but always seemed to beat the current demon. As I sat there, a sort of cognitive osmosis occurring, so much went through my head.  Of course, my first turn was to the OD Community to read what everyone had to say and to understand what happened to you . As I read, I found my throat closing up to the point where I felt asthmatic and that blurry surreal feeling came over me. Open Diary without you…you were always so much more than authorcode=C100018.

I guess when someone dies, we sort of run through a “remember when” of their life and what they meant to you. What you did for Bruce and I  in terms of our Open Diary philosophy and our mission  will always be a part of our memory and our future plans for OD. I can often times think of times when I would think – what will Blather say about this or Chuck is going to have a fit about that, you represented the type of writer that I wanted to please with our site – someone with talent as well as an ascerbic wit and critical eye.

Remember when you would write “scenes from a taxi”? I have really incorporated that into my daily life. I love to look at the world around me as photo snapshots, myself being the spectator as life passes around me. Thanks for that perspective.

I remember talking to you on the phone at the barbeque – you were a bit reticent with me, almost shy. I was so very excited to talk to you – I wanted to tell you exactly what you meant to me – I didn’t do a very good job then, and now it’s too late to tell you in person.

WHen I look back at everything that has passed over the years, I know that you touched many lives with your willingness to share your very personal experiences – and for that, you will always be remembered among all of us at Open Diary.

I am be glad that your pain is over…. I just wish that it didn’t take death for that to occur.

I am glad that there is someone to take care of Klam, I did think of her when I heard you passed on. You know, I still think of you when I look at my renal failure cat, and your aptly naming him Pee-ter, even though he still responds to Barney ( his original name).

Where are you now? I wish you could write and tell us. What is death like? I wish you could share with us like we are accustomed to from you….scenes from the afterlife, if only…. 

 I would like to tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart – for letting me understand that meeting fear head-on is possible and to always look at people as individuals, with the understanding that we all have so many complex experiences shaping our personalities and reactions. 

To say goodbye to you , I leave you with something you recently wrote. I’d like to think your time spent here provided you with some “molecular healing”:

It’s hard to explain and bounces around in my head looking for illogical loopholes, but that doesn’t make it any less true. When I talk to my friend, it’s like the pain and disillusion I feel almost every day melts away. I feel deeply changed, and every time a part of me is knit back together. Things that didn’t make sense, even from years ago, suddenly snap into perspective and shine a glaring spotlight on another thing that I had forgotten that I knew. Then these two things, joined together in gentle clarity find a hurting place inside of me and make it better. It’s not like psychic healing. It’s not faith healing. It’s healing based on something still mysterious and undefined for me, but very, very real. I don’t even want to question it too much; I simply want to acknowledge that it’s there and that I would never do anything to risk its existence. I’m usually the guy who seeks the compact and elegant answer. I’m not going to be that guy in this case. I’m going to be the guy who basks in a simple and new truth and nurture the friendship we’ve created and try to not hurt so much.

Till later Queen Blather, I will look for the friend in the tiara …DMS




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November 3, 2004
November 3, 2004

i wanted to read some of his journal but i cant seem to find it. He sounded like a great guy

November 3, 2004
November 3, 2004
November 3, 2004

He will be missed by so many.

November 3, 2004

Queen Blather reigns the heavens now, smiling down on us. He is loved.

November 3, 2004
November 3, 2004

He’s going to be missed so much.

November 3, 2004

He was amazing. Be well,

November 3, 2004

This is lovely. Thank you.

November 3, 2004


November 3, 2004

Didn’t know Blather’s diary, but I’m sorry for the loss.

November 3, 2004
November 3, 2004


He was a wonderful friend.

Hi… could you please post his diary name in your entry so I could get to know him?

I have no words. But *hugs* is the best I can do right now.

November 3, 2004


November 3, 2004

He will be greatly missed. I just sent the DM an email with an idea for a fitting tribute to both Chuck and Summer that everyone in OD can participate in if they are so inclined. I hope he approves of it.

November 4, 2004
November 4, 2004

It was such a shock – as you say, he always managed to beat his set backs, I’m surprised one finally triumphed. I’ll miss him.

It is so awesome that you and the DM care about us here. Reading yours and his entry about Blather made me remember that you are real people, just like us. 🙂

November 4, 2004
November 4, 2004

He was such a presence around here. He will be missed. I hope he’s found peace.

November 4, 2004

Blather helped me ease in when I first came into OD. It was a warm welcome and an easy accptance of a very shy older woman. Well it is only shy when new to computers and to OD. Blather caught my eye and I started reading his diary. Then we drifted apart. But he will always be a warm memory.

November 4, 2004

Blather helped me ease in when I first came into OD. It was a warm welcome and an easy accptance of a very shy older woman. Well it is only shy when new to computers and to OD.

November 4, 2004

The tiara……and some butterscotch pudding too.

He was one of the great ones that made OD what it is. I still can’t believe he’s gone.

November 4, 2004

thank you for this.

November 4, 2004
November 4, 2004

What a beautiful tribute to an unforgettable man.

November 4, 2004

I had never read him before, but based on all the feedback I’ve come across from you and Bruce and all the other diary members, I can tell he was an amazing person. This community is such an amazing place, and I will never forget that. Maybe I’ll even meet you one day. (I am a friend of your son’s.) 🙂 Take care and best wishes. <3

November 4, 2004

Beautiful, darling. A lovely tribute – I also wish that I could have spoken to him again, about so many things.

November 4, 2004

A mans life is only worth the amount of other lives that he touched.. he was priceless.. *Lisa*

November 4, 2004
November 4, 2004
November 5, 2004

I hope you don’t mind if I copy this and post it in the tribute diary-ChuckieB. Thanks.

November 5, 2004

Thank you so much for this.

November 5, 2004

You are an incredible writer. Wish you’d write more here on OD. Yes, Chuck was well….outspoken and sometimes critical of you and Bruce. Yet, there was something about him that made us us sit up and notice. ~~He has and will be missed.

November 5, 2004

This reminds me of losing my beloved “Coolbreeze” here on OD. It hurts so much to lose a loved one. My condolences to those that loved Blather. HUGS

November 7, 2004

beautifully stated.i think everyone, new and old diarists, felt this loss.

November 14, 2004
November 23, 2004

Beautiful entry written from the heart.Best kind of writing.I didn’t have you on my favorites list but I do now.

January 6, 2005

This is a beautiful entry… thanks for sharing. *hug*

November 13, 2009

Hey, i start reading his diary under Chuck (because i started reading your entries and read this one),it touched me, as i never knew him but i thought having his diary still on here is a way for him to live on, i was just wondering as there are only 11pages if he had any others? Or is just some of it faves/private.? much love xxx