Theme of the Week 7 – Which of your values do you value most?

I have to apologize, because with all that was going on last week with the re-launch, I totally missed posting a new Theme of the Week!
So this week – Which of your values do you value most?
This is a tough one for me, because I’d like to think I have lots of personal values that are good – and the one that comes to mind is one that I have trouble putting a name on.
When asked why I started Open Diary, I’ve often told a personal anecdote:
I ride subways and trains a lot – and back in the day when I was first working on the idea that would become OD, there was a moment that inspired me. Looking around a subway car at all the people (this was before smartphones, which is all people do these days in this situation, stare at their phones) – all the people looking out the window, staring into space, looking at the floor – realizing that each and every one of them had an inner conversation/voice/monologue that was going on right then, just like I did. And that that inner monologue was full of joy, and sorrow, and pride, and despair, and everything else that is wrapped up in our human experience – that to me was a turning point in creating this site.
So I like to think that I am still that way – that I can see that each person has feelings, and that to each person those feelings are the most important thing in the world, and they’re all different but they all deserve to be listened to or at least expressed. I don’t know what to call that, but it’s something I consider important to me.
Remember to tag your Theme entries with TOTW7 down below so you will see it on the Theme Page.
That you care. And you’re kind enough to want to help in some way .. to share that … to give a safe place for folks to share pieces n parts of their thoughts that deserve to be shared. That that’s important to you that you care about that. I’d say that’s a real big piece of decent and good that you can tuck into a peaceful fit just right spot in that bag of tools that one carries around.
You make the world a better place from those thoughts thunk on that subway during those moments that day.
I for one among so many others am happy Open Diary was born from those thoughts on that subway or train that day. Thank you so much.
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It’s lovely to hear your story of how OD was born. TOTW7 completed!
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I’m so pleased that the chain of events in your life led to this place, Open Diary, coming about. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought to myself “I wish OD were still around!”
@petersshadow that’s great to hear!
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I cant see the theme page.
@buttonishlady let me know if you still can’t see it – seems to be showing up for us. Thanks!
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Thank for for sharing the story of how OD came to be! It’s always interesting to learn what sparked an idea. I’ll have to think on the theme to see what I can come up with.
@rubykisses you’re welcome!
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I love this! This theme is worth thinking about.
@startingover_1 I’m glad you like it!
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Your story is beautiful! I’ve already written something playing off of it and tagged it to go here. Did that a few hours ago, in fact.
@ainsleyjo1952 great!
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I value being open-minded. Embracing that which is new, strange and ‘outside of the box’ so to speak.
@driftune the world needs a lot more open-minded people IMO.
@thediarymaster Amen!
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Beautiful ! Thank you for sharing .
@edelweis you’re welcome
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Is my appetite an appropriate answer? #jokes
Funny how it is far harder to find those values in ourselves than in others. Thought provoking question that I may get to later this week.
@booo ha yes, that is totally appropriate!
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I just noticed that my former diary starts with the year 2003. I am wondering where the years prior to 2003 went. I remember being here in 2000. Are they lingering in space or just lost?
@rebeccaann please send a message to Support through the link at the bottom of the page and they can investigate for you. Thanks!
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That is a very special story you just told us about how this OD was brought about! Thanks for sharing!
@wyocowgirl you’re welcome!
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I was with od back when in it all began from 99 till it closed and now I’m back and loving it, so thank you for this site as it’s been so helpful in my life along the way..
@poeticdreamer you’re welcome, and glad you’re back!
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I love this and also you for giving strangers like us a safe place to come to to get it all out without fear of rejection or judgement. This helps people more than you ever know. Thank you, thank you, thank you! <3
@rochelleash you’re welcome!
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