Notes With No Name

Happy Wednesday everybody,

Some of you have seen this one – rarely, a note will be left on a diary, and where the name should be there is only “[]”. Some diarists have interpreted this as some sort of security problem, but it was actually something much more benign.

What was happening was this: if you went to the “Leave a Note” screen, and then stayed there a long time (some of us have to REALLY think about what we say in our notes), your session could time out. Then, when you hit the button to save the note, OD had forgotten who you were. So, instead of signing your name to the note, it would sign a blank.

This has been fixed – if you time out now while writing a note, you’ll get a message asking you to log back in.

EDIT: Yeah, the first time I did this, it was still wrong. Worse, really. But that’s been fixed, too.

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

Your Open Diary session has timed out due to inactivity. Please log into your diary before proceeding. it’s still doing it and I am just typing a few words. thanks

I think this is faulty – I’m now saying I’m “timed out” ten seconds after I sign in.

I was wondering if you can tell me what is this thing about yrou time has expired or whatever word it says. I have never seen it before. I did not know you could only be on diary a certain amount of time.

if you started the note, will it still be there when u sign back in?

I was JUST going to write to you about this. This has happened to me a few times (in fact, I think one was to you…I suggested the “favorite of” title thing). I just figured out how it was happening…but it’s not because I had to “REALLY think’, its cuz I had to leave the computer for some disaster or another 😉

…and by the way…why are there two “leave a note” bars on your diary? Just curious 🙂


Does that also apply to anonymous notes on a “safe notes” diary? And I still don’t get how people can leave public notes on a private notes diary.

this can happen when you are not signed in. go to leave a note, then sign in, and page back to leave a note.and you get [] hey only 5 diary fonts work on the wysiwyg. why is that?


thats good… cuz i tend to chat and do other things when i mean to note… and it times out alot. so good thinking mister dm. good thinking! isabel

Hey there,DM! You’re doing a great job! It’s my b-day today. Hope you stop in to my OD!

actually, there IS another way to leave the notes with the []…. or at least there was before new OD came around. I haven’t tried it lately. But there’s a way you can do it. Would you like to know how?

Help me! []

Right on. 🙂

I’ve been through the dessert on a horse with no name…is this similar? And now that song is stuck in YOUR head too!

dang darling you deserve a pat on the back !! thanks for all the work you do.

So . . . is there any way to tell who this might have been if it happened in the past?