Introducing User Search

Since we started user testing with our beta testers, by far the number one thing people has asked for is being able to search for other users. We actually had a version of user search in the first version of the test site, but after our testers used it a bit we took it down for rework.
I’m happy to announce that last night Engineering launched a new user search feature – you may have already noticed, but if not, there is a magnifying glass icon up in the upper right next to the notifications symbol. Clicking on that will open a box where you can type names to search for.
The User Search will search on both the display name and the system name for that person (for me, this is “The DiaryMaster” and “@thediarymaster”) and will show you the top best matches in a list. Be aware that users who have not re-activated their diaries on the new OD will not show up in this search – all of the diaries from the old site were converted to Private when we brought them into the new site, and are only switched from Private when the person reclaims it.
We have a lot more planned for the site in the near future, but wanted to get this one out as soon as possible because members really wanted it. Enjoy!
P.S. I also wanted to add, there will be a new Theme coming later today – but we’ve decided to move the Theme of the Week questions into a diary of their own so the staff can maintain them and they will have a home of their own. This will ensure that they are coming out on a regular schedule and that you can always find them in one place!
Great news! Stick a random letter in there then press ‘enter’ and it’s almost like having the old ‘random’ button back.
@rodge that’s a cool idea!
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Fantastic! A lot of us have been waiting for this. Not me, though. I figure that, now that searching for people is possible, everyone will be searching for me, anyway, so I’ll save myself the trouble.
@dolorangelicus ha, that’s fine
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Very good. This was the thing I saw requested most often.
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That’s really great! So, question. My address extension is still based on my old name (@e3, which I am glad to have and keep) but I have changed my actual user name. This has been really good for me since diaries don’t have separate names and titles these days. Will I come up under a search for e3? Or just badgrannie3? Of course, I am going to check, just curious.
@e3 it will show up under both!
Amazing. Thank you. Hearts and butterflies.
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So glad to be back!!!
@laurie_1 we’re glad to have you back!
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Great! Thank you for all you do!
@lakelady you’re welcome!
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Yay! Excited! Thanks. It’s SO good to be back!
@mezzo It’s great to have you back!
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Great news! Thanks!
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Thank you, thank you!
@margaret_1 you’re welcome!
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Thanks so much! The improved search feature is invaluable!
@oswego glad that you like it!
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How to post pix and are we able to change colors on our diaries etc like before?
@tinatina you will be able to post pictures if you upgrade to a subscription – users on free accounts can not add pictures to their entries. We are working on methods to let people change colors on their diaries – that will be added in the future.
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That is awesome! Thank you for getting the search user feature back up and running! Awesome!!!
@dreamstorm you’re welcome!
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Thank you! Nice picture, too.
@bonnierose thanks!
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Hey DM. Have you had any feedback on the search utility? I am trying to find people whom I know have rejoined but the search doesn’t return anything.
@paprika_1 hmm it’s been working – could you please contact the Support team through the link at the bottom of the page, and let them know so they can investigate?
@thediarymaster Copy that
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