I forget how to spell “homogenous”

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the barriers to writing – because I’ve seen a lot of members on the site talking about how they sometimes struggle with finding time/making the effort to write.

Thinking about this, I realized one thing I know I am doing wrong – I’m always trying to formulate entries in my head, and I’m planning big long things to write, trying to create something that is “meaningful”. But that’s a trap, because I spend all my time thinking about it, and then don’t have time to write it.

So I’m going to try something different – writing when I feel like it, and not worrying about how long, or meaningful, or in-depth it is – because I’m missing out on posting, because I’m overthinking it. We’ll see how that works – I expect it will result in more entries, but shorter ones 😄.


The thing that was on my mind today kind of came to a head as I was walking with thousands of other people on the city sidewalks. I stopped to cross the street and was looking across at the people on the other side waiting to cross coming towards me. I really wish I had had time to take my phone out and capture a picture.

There were probably thirty people facing me, and I scanned all of their faces (which is not something you normally do in this city, we are always trying to avoid eye contact with the other pedestrians!). In those thirty-some people, there was an amazing amount of variation – all shades and colors, all sizes, many ethnicities. I don’t like to classify people by their color/race – but there were probably two people in that whole crowd who I would classify as “white”.

It got me to thinking, one of the things that I have always thought would serve mankind best would be if a few generations from now, all of us had become so intermixed that there really is no longer a concept of “race”. It would be wonderful to think we could get to a point that (at least in terms of race) we were all more alike than we are different, and people could forget that race existed.

Which made me think of this:

“And it’s codswallop to boot. “Dirty blood.” Why, there isn’t a wizard alive today that’s not half-blood or less. More to the point, they’ve yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can’t do. Come ‘ere. Don’t you think on it, Hermione. Don’t you think on it for one minute.” – Rubeus Hagrid

Hagrid, bringing the wisdom.

I have trouble talking about this, because I fear for sounding preachy. I come from several demographic segments that would be considered “privileged”. White. Male. Non-poor. So it’s impossible for me to pretend that I know what it’s like to suffer from prejudice.

But I can try to project my thinking, for what good it does.

What I don’t understand, really, when looking at those thirty people of all different shades/genders/backgrounds – and knowing that each of them is the vessel of a human heart and soul – is:

How can any one race/religion/gender/culture/nation truly believe that they are the “right” one and that all the others are “wrong”? Why is it that we as humans, must make ourselves “different” when there is so much more benefit to be had from making ourselves “same”?


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August 15, 2018

addendum 1 – it’s a trap makes me think of Admiral Akbar (naturally).

addendum 2 – this whole thing is also a good argument for alien invasion, that would quickly make us forget our differences 🙂

August 15, 2018

<3 for all man and woman kind!!!


August 15, 2018

My younger son is tall, pale and blonde. But when he was placed in the middle of a group of soldiers arriving on the parade field after serving in Iraq, I couldn’t pick him out from the group. Every color, every body size, men and women, but when they were all together they all looked the same even to their mothers.

Scientists who are studying the human genome are finding that what we traditionally think of as race is a fallacy.

August 16, 2018

@emiliasdance I hope that that continues to be true!

August 15, 2018

I agree, and I’m also a WASP (white Anglo-Saxon protestant).  I don’t understand either how the color of a person makes any difference.  Most of the time I think that racists are folks that have to be superior to someone.  Maybe they have a poor opinion of themselves.  I do notice that in our part of the world there are a lot more mixed marriages, which as you said, may ultimately  solve the problem.

August 16, 2018

@dlk082244 you’re right that so often it is about the racist person trying to make themselves feel or appear superior – when in fact, none of us are better than any of the rest of us.

August 15, 2018


August 15, 2018

Your preamble I agree with. For me, I don’t think about writing. I just see what happens.

(usually not much.)

August 16, 2018

@d-_-b that’s the best way, I think!

August 15, 2018

💛 love this entry! I have often thought we are headed in the direction of everyone having a nice mix, and I think that would be so lovely. Its just mind boggling that as humans we’ve come so far, but this race thing is just something that continues to be an issue. We are all humans with loved ones, hopes, dreams & a story. The color of skin is so much a non factor but people have such a hard time getting past it.

August 16, 2018

@cherrywine_1 you said it better than me I think – “we are all humans with loved ones, hopes, dreams, & a story” – that’s exactly what I was trying to get at.

August 16, 2018

I totally agree!! I believe all men(and women) are created equal’ and I often wish people could get over & STOP this “racism” business. It’s so sad!! and WRONG!!


August 17, 2018

@butterfly4him so true!

August 16, 2018

Ego?  Boundlessly experienced.

August 16, 2018

My family has over the years been blended with other races and ethnic groups…plus foster children are a part of our family now, ones we are approved to adopt in January who are African American on both sides….and when I am with them I forget to see anything but my children and grands and greats…just love and acceptance re: our differences.  I see myself in all of them.

August 17, 2018

@sago that is how it should be, how wonderful 🙂

August 17, 2018

I think it’s very interesting that you think up entries in your head and “plan” what to write. That’s like what book authors do when they are thinking about their next chapter. I have always thought of a diary as a means to unload, de stress, or express ones self in the moment. I can honestly say that I’ve never written an entry for other people and it is always spontaneous. I write the thoughts down as they come instantaneously. If others like it then great! But it’s more of a therapeutic way for me to vent and let go of the thoughts in my head. I think you’ll find that if you start to write when you really feel like it, or are inspired to, then you will enjoy it even more! 👍🏻

On another note, I like your thoughts on prejudice and how we are all different, but the same. It really is hard to believe that one person could think that they are better than another, but look at religion. It is very similar. How can someone believe that their beliefs or more adequate then someone else’s? Somethings will always have me scratching my head.

August 17, 2018

@hannah_banana0012 the way you’re doing it is exactly the way a diary should be used! 🙂

August 17, 2018

oh my, have i felt that way about writing here since day one! how silly of us. and i agree, it would be a better world if everyone just got so mixed up there were no clear distinctions.

August 17, 2018

I’d really like to know more about that research if you can direct me something more.

August 17, 2018

I’m responding to  the comment on human response to race as a fallacy.