Change to Members Only visibility

(per usual, the image has nothing to do with the entry, just picking ones of mine that I like)
Okay so, after a number of conversations with members – both paid members (including some that were in the testing group) and members who have re-joined in the last week and reclaimed their diaries – I’ve decided to make a change to how MO entries and diaries are visible to members on a Free subscription.
Our original intent was to make it so that Free members would not be able to see MO content, for good reason – we didn’t want somebody coming and starting a Free account and then causing trouble for somebody who is MO. This made a lot of sense to me, but what it left out was that the vast majority of people who are “joining” the site actually are members already, not strangers who have wandered in from the cold.
Several members made the argument that they would much rather have it so their friends who are re-joining the site can find them – and if they have trouble with somebody, they will just block them – which makes sense.
So, I’ve had Engineering update the visibility code – as of a few minutes ago, people who are on a Free subscription should be able to see MO content – meaning, when you see somebody update on your Friends list and you click through, you should be able to get to that entry.
I will say that once we are past this phase of bringing all of the past members back into the site, we may change back to the way it was set up – I still think that makes sense for a site where a lot of “new” people are showing up – but for now, we will try it this way and see how it works out.
Members Only entries and diaries will still NOT be visible to anybody who has not signed up for Open Diary (currently, they have to have an active account), or to anybody not logged into their account. So MO is still not visible to the public.
Thanks everybody for helping us figure that out!
A positive move.
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I guess I’m a bit confused… I used to be a free member – am I in this trial? If so, will I be able to continue to write, or will I have to pay at some point? If so, how much? Sorry, I guess I haven’t been following the posts like everyone else. Btw, thanks for bringing OD back! A lot of us have missed this place.
@free_spirit_gal you’re welcome! Yes for thirty days after you come back to the site you can use everything, but OD is a subscription site now – so after thirty days you will still havhave access to your existing diary, but if you want to post new entries or comments you will have to subscribe. Hope that makes sense.
@thediarymaster Thanks, it does, but can you give me info on pricing?
@free_spirit_gal subscriptions are $3.99 a month or $39.99 a year. Thanks!
@thediarymaster got it, thanks.
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I hope we will get the chance to buy gift subscriptions for other users. Even though I’m a lifer, I’d like a chance to donate more. Make some t-shirts and put them in a gift shop. Give me an excuse to support OD!
@peter_24601 we absolutely will be adding the ability to buy gift subscriptions in the near future, you are a nice person to think of that!
@thediarymaster LOL Let’s talk challenge coins again!!
@petersshadow I’m fascinated with challenge coins since I learned about them from you! It’s one of those things where once you know about it, you see it everywhere
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Thumbs up for now give it a 30 day beta or something..
@anamericanredhead thank you!
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I like this change. And I’m open to changing it back after the transition period has passed. But to find each other initially, this is a good change.
@seriously_1 good I’m glad!
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Makes sense. I was posting some entries as public just so my old friends can find me. But I’d much rather post as MO.
Thanks for being flexible.
@sheetmusic thanks!
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Yes! Thank you.
@caseyleigh_1 you’re welcome!
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Thank you!
@some1-other-than-me you’re welcome!
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Thanks for listening to us!
@thelassthatsews you’re welcome!
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This change makes a lot of sense. I’m likely to remain public and somewhat (only somewhat) cautious about what I put up here. Of course, it’s also the easiest way for people to find me, especially if/when you go to classic “Members Only,” which .. who knows … I might need and want at some point. Oh my, the ins and outs of OD!
@meexplorer glad you agree, thanks!
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Good call, I think. For now.
@petersshadow thanks!
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Fantastic, now i just need to find my old friends on here some how…I can’t wait for the search function to happen
@carley-2 it will be coming soon!
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Have you considered making OD a secure site? I’m noticing lots of spammers pawning their businesses coming through lately.
Just a thought.
@agenieinabottle we are looking into ways to block spammers, but we have to find a balance between being easy for real people to register and keeping other people out!
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Is there a proper place to submit “Ideas” for OD team to consider adding for future enhancements? I am happy to spell it out but rather follow correct path.
@letlovein this is a fine place for that!
@thediarymaster I was wondering if you guys considered allowing some customization on maybe the “Header” of our diary pages. Like maybe a Cover Art
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I’d really like to see the archive come back rather than guessing the year and month an entry was made
Other than that.. I’m loving it!! Great job!!
@foreveramber thanks! We will be adding a calendar view in the future, that will make things easier to find.
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Thank you for bringing OD back! Will lifetime memberships ever be offered again?
@alika you’re welcome! We are thinking about Lifetime memberships, but not currently planning on it – we will see.
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Thank you for the welcome back note and for the assistance you and your staff have given me.
@cakebythewater you’re welcome!
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How long does it take to see your entry appear on the home page? I wrote one a while ago (members only) but still don’t see it.
@trunorth it should appear right away, but you also have to refresh the page to see it. Also, make sure you’re not publishing it as private!
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Love the photo!
@punkinpixy thanks!
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