Access Denied

Some days it’s really hard to think of a descriptive/interesting title.

Anyways, this is one that had been hanging around my to-do list for a long time, and seemed like the perfect thing to get out of the way on a Sunday afternoon.

Until now, there was one message that OD would display if you tried to travel to a diary page that you could not access. For whatever reason – diary set to private, diary set to Favorites only, you’re blocked – you got the same message saying “Bleh – you can’t go there”. Okay, that’s not what it said, but you’ve all seen it enough times to know which one I mean.

I’ve changed the system so that now the message you see will be specific to the reason that you can’t access the page. There are five new messages, for the following conditions:

  1. The diary or entry is set to Private.
  2. The diary is set to Open Diary members only, and you’re not one.
  3. The diary is set to Open Diary Plus members only, and you’re not one.
  4. The diary is set to Favorites only, and you’re not a Favorite (of that person).
  5. The author has you on his/her blocked list.

Please remember that in the case of numbers 2, 3, and 4, you will see this message if you are not logged into your diary (that’s how OD knows who you are). You may meet the conditions to pass the security once you log in.

This should clear up a lot of confusion, because I am always getting e-mail from people who think they have been blocked from a friend’s diary, when they really haven’t. Now it will only say you are blocked if that is actually the case.

Hope everybody is having a swell weekend,

The DiaryMaster

Reading this over, the phrase “you’re blocked” strikes me as funny – probably because I have cats in my house.

Log in to write a note

how do you block someone?

is there a way thast we be able to post a picture of ourselves on our diary page? because i’d like to, and if there’s a way i’d like to know how. Thank you

This is very helpful, thankyou! Its almost insulting to just see that, you don’t have access..’ message. Thanks again!

quick question. i want to “program” (couldn’t think of a better word) my FOD so that it is favorites only. can i do this? or is that something that is only for the elite OD members? (just a joke, not being snotty) ~God Bless

nevermind~ i found it 🙂 i feel stupid now… thanks anyway.

whew…it seems a little less hurtful to say “access denied” rather than “you’re blocked”. i guess even if i block someone, i worry about hurting them. i’m too soft i guess.

FOD is awesome, thanks for making a great place!

Or maybe it’s funny just because you haven’t had enough sleep!

Aaah! Not sure I want people to know I took them off my favorites list, now that I’m favorites only. Any way around this?

Dang. I kind of liked the idea of blocking people without them knowing whether they were blocked or I just had my diary set to favorites or whatever. I HATE hurting people’s feelings, and that seemed a good way to avoid that. Oh well. I’m probably in the minority. ‘Course I don’t currently have anyone blocked.

thank you 🙂 that does clear up loads of confusion for me. keep up the great work, DM.

yo i have a really pressing issue here. why wont the return button work to add a new paragraph? this is killing me trying to write dialouge. Love, Sean

there’s a way to block people? o_O alrighty then. im curious, earlier, i tried to delete my other diary and it’s currently offline, when do you suppose that’ll be back up?

sorry my note wasn’t too clear, like being able to delete your diary was unavailable.

I don’t get it… I have cats in my house, too, and I don’t understand why that would make “you’re blocked” funny.

i have another diary on this site. for some reason I cant log-into my diary. i tried to get my password sent to my diary but i havent gotten it. i dont remeber if i even had this e-mail when i got my diary becasue it was 3 years ago. anyways, i was wondering if you could help me out. the diary name is Angel’s Eulogy i hope you can help. kris

Wow! Thanks for this new feature. It had really confused me for the past month…. Thanks!

You rock.

I was wondering when or if the delete your diary option would be available again soon?

Or perhaps you can delete my diary for meh? Thanks ~ Raya

Can you PLEASE tell me how to get my diary (Learning2Fly) that was deleted back? I have tried to email FOD and I get no response. It would be greatly appreciated.

thats cool. i have a question that’s not really important (i don’t think) so i’m just going to ask you here. why is it that when i save and entry and then go back and edit it i end up with a new entry? i just wrote an entry, went back and edited it twice, and ended up with three entries. is that purposeful? just wondering.

it’s the little things, you know. Thanks.

Perhaps you could fix the carriage return problem in Netscape on the entry addiction page. I am growing tired of having to put <P> in each time.

wow i didnt know you could note the actual diary master, its like noting your boss at work.

I dont get it? What do cats have to do with being blocked…I dont have pets 🙁

hello, The Diarymaster, it’s nice to read your diary again.

y is da delete fing not workin? i need to delete my diary pronto.

can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a BDSM diary circle??? please! its driving me crazy. also, you never told me if private entries need to follow the rules or not– i dont want my diary to be deleted just because of that!! PLEASE ANSWER. thank you!

RYN: Thanks for your help and clearing up that issue. It is definitely appreciated.

Thanks! I was hoping you would do something like that!

Have never actually seen your diary until today. Am glad an actual person is behind this frre open diary thing. Love the site, helps me let people know what’s going on without actually having to talk to everyone I know and everyone they know. Keep doing what you’re doing, we love ya for it.

Hi, i was wondering if its possible to add attachments to the diary entries that we write? whether it be pictures, documents or whatever…if its do i go about using the faciitly…otehrwise if its not possible..can you make it! thanx!

The diary is set to Open Diary members only, [b]and you’re not one.[/b] Speaking of etiquette, and not to sound bitchy… but I will. In bold there hun… kinda rude. Revisions maybe? It reminds me of being a kid and someone saying, [i] you can’t join our club because you are not “one”[/i] yours truly,