A Few More Things

Some things culled from the e-mail today that have been fixed:

  1. I lengthened the space allowed for the name of a custom image to use for your diary and menu backgrounds. Some people were finding that the URLs of their images were going over the eighty characters that were allowed, so I have increased it to 120 characters. Hopefully, that should be enough.
  2. Somebody noticed that although the entry writing screen would allow you to type in a fifty character entry title, the last character would be unceremoniously trimmed off when the entry was saved. Only the first forty-nine characters would end up in the title. This has been fixed, so character number 50 gets saved now too.
  3. The entry calendar page was dropping weeks off the end of some months – most notably November of last year and February of this year. This has been fixed up, so now all weeks show in all months.

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

Still no way to block private diaries? That diary “Amy’s Trained Cat” is private, but doesn’t show up on the list of diaries in block by name feature. So, if my other sister wants to block “Amy’s Trained Cat” from reading her, she has to wait until psycho… ahem… Leslie leaves her a note to do so. GLITCH! Can you fix that? In fact, why not a feature to block ALL private diaries? Hmmm?

‘Cause I don’t want no private diaries reading me. If they want to read me, then be public like the rest of us. I know we have a “no notes from private diaries” feature (and how exactly did Amy’s Trained Cat – a private diary – leave me notes?), but I don’t want them to even SEE me if they’re private. Unless they’re on my favorites list. Grrrr.

*lolz* number two makes me laugh. have a great day mr dm! isabel

Hi there, I would like to know how to make bolded notes, becoz i saw that some notes here with bolded words Can u reply me by this address: siurekrek@cuhk.edu.hk thx!

YAAY for #1! I’ve been hoping you’d do this!

you should add an extra thousand characters to the diary description, and an extra thousand characters in entries. sometimes my html codes that i would like to use in entries are too long, so my entry doesn’t fit. and then when i go to save it, i don’t know that it’s too long, and then half my html layout and half my entry are gone. we need more room!!!


I never understood what the purpose of the calendar was anyway since you have the entry index on the front page of the diary that tells you when your last entry was posted. I personally have never looked at the calendar but once the whole time I’ve had a diary on FOD and OD.

hey, is there a way to download some of the OD fonts? thanks for all of your hard work!

Dear Diary Master, I just logged in to find that my OD subscription renewal has gone through. If it is because you intervened I thank you. It’s ironic because I just went to my PayPal account and cancelled. When the renewal time comes up again I will do it directly by Visa and do it for a whole year. Thank you so much.

My entry editor isn’t working properly. In fact, at all. And when I have that option WSGYSD whatever those letters are, clicked it doesn’t let me press enter and skip spaces, I have to type the br code.

Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work.

Still in FODland. Argh! 🙂

What do I have to do to get you to respond to my many notes concerning OD email addresses? Yeesh! I know you’re busy, but hell! Please? And the box that pops up when you go to add a picture in an entry is too small, so you can’t use all of the options. There’s not scrollbar either. sarahramirez@comcast.net

If you’re the founder, how come your profile says your diary was started in 2001? I thought Open Diary was founded in 1998. I’m Confused.

HI!! I need to get my old diary deleted, I swear it’s my diary and when someone tried to hack into OD I changed the password and I forgot it :'( :'( I try to get my password but it’s never e-mailed to me! I need to get it deleted because some people are reading it and I don’t want them to! please delete it, the title is twisted.sister, pleeease delete it!!!

Are there still plans to create the ability to host pictures here at OD? I know I would welcome that very much, and would even be willing to pay extra for the service. [freyjah@hotmail.com]

was wandering if you could help me out, I changed my diary style and now I can’t get back into my style editor to fix something. it won’t even let the page load up. How come, and how do I fix it?? thanks

is there a way to delete my note history?

hihi – i’ve been trying to upgrade using the credit card payment option. its saying its not available. where should i be looking/going to successfully use the credit card pay function? thx! dae

hey i was wondering how do you block ppl from reading your diary? just individuas tho. thanks heaps! kirra