
oh godddd

if i had a job where i had to read comic books all day every day then i would be makin da big bux

seriously though, this is my life

i get up (no alarm), maybe put pants on, play with the dog, read, eat, attempt to reclaim my back yard, stretch, art things, watch breaking bad, read, sleep

or in some other order

right now i am almost finished with sandman!! and apparently there is more (the end?) to come, so says the dude at le comic shop

this morning i tried to jog and it was kind of pathetic


i’m working on a collection of books in varying types and sizes

to sell


if only i had a paper cutter. . .

imagine cutting hundreds of sheets of paper BY HAND

haha just kidding, i don’t do that no way

i go to the art store because there’s a giant, magnificent cutter there and it’s freeeee


the other night i went over to an old friend’s house

it’s weird when you see people after a long while and they HAVEN’T CHANGED AT ALL since high school

BUT he did let me borrow Y the last man, which i am BREEZING through, it is really great

and also the rest of walking dead because i am too poor to buy the books


weee blueberry cobbler coffee!

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September 14, 2012

read david mack’s kabuki!

September 15, 2012

ok i have your gift for a long time but am just waiting on funds to send it because it is large! i have never got into comics, maybe i should invest in a few