
howdy partners


here is my abstract sheet metal sculpture – spray painted and gold tips

some of the scales are obv missing because a girl in my class (RIGHT BEFORE CRITIQUE) ran into it and knocked them off


and another! haha self portrait

can you believe this shit is screenprinted?! and with only 4 colors!

you can tell a little with the magenta being a bit heavier on the left

anyway it feels really cool when you touch it because the ink stands off the page a bit

this was my final screen printing project! calendars printed on cotton/linen

everything is handwritten/drawn

the dots indicate full moon and new moon dates

and i also did a white ink outline on brown cloth

definitely making more of these because people were FREAKING OUT over them for realz

here is a close up of the brown.. you can see the drawing detail better

andddd here is my final sculpture installation project

this phone pic certainly doesn’t do it justice

but it was in the stairwell at school

3D shapes made with mirrors hanging from the ceiling

sheer fabrics

blue lights

and a projection of a young boy and girl walking down the street

pretty sweet


and just to conclude

here are some cups i made in ceramics a few semesters ago LOL SPACE


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August 16, 2012

OMG, wheres the collage of Precious pics?!

August 16, 2012

ryn: loool..I’ll snap one or two when I get off of work tomorrow and post them.

August 16, 2012

yayayayay!!!!!!!!!! ceramic cups and screenprinting and metal sculpture that still looks pretty damn nice even though some girl walked into it like a dunce face !!!!!!!!!

August 17, 2012

ok you blow my mind. seriously! first off please set up and etsy or big cartel or even just on here for selling your screenprints, i would love to buy all three. i love love that installation! just.everything. you’re so talented!

August 19, 2012

for reals i want one a those calendars holy moly beauts

August 19, 2012

dream come true! i’d pay

August 21, 2012

ryn: damn so you two have been together 11 years already? D’awwwwww Ah, I’ll be fine..my mondays have just been sucking as of recent and I vent about other **** from time to time.