
i am, probably briefly, considering naropa university for graduate school in art therapy

the school is based on buddhist principles and is in boulder, colorado

i am probably the perfect stereotype for it except for the fact that i don’t enjoy doing school work

which is why this is probably a brief consideration

my dad would be so psyched



my main plan as of now is to find somewhere near a water stream and a hill/big tree that i can build my hobbit house into

one hundred percent serious

it will look a little something like this

or possibly this



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March 15, 2012

who does enjoy doing school work. not me i am so sure. <3

March 17, 2012

i would like a hobbit house, too. i would also like to live in “the charming village of budleigh babberton” from harry potter and the half-blood prince, just as a talking point. BUDLEIGH BABBERTON

March 18, 2012

ryn: whoa man i like your lipstick in that picture you posted on tht! tne. and i can see presh in the couch. did you know that you are cool.

March 20, 2012

amazing house! i wondered, did you get my letter that was in a pink envelope?

March 26, 2012

how are you today my odear? <3