
lately i have been overly stretched, psychologically

i have been stressed about school and lack of personal time

taking more than 2 studio classes in one semester is just unfair i think

we had a mid-process critique in ceramics and i found out that i don’t particularly enjoy it when people give me suggestions about my own artwork

like a bunch of strangers telling me what to do on this object i am sculpting with my own hands

i’m stubborn but this is not why i am studying art

tryin to bring back art for arts sake

because it seems like i make visual art when i can’t describe something verbally, so why should i try to explain what it means? i think that is the point of making something tangible in a different sense


also been stressing out about social relationships

which is nothing too extreme, really it is just that other stresses are leaking into my capabilities of social interaction and i’m having a hard time controlling my subconscious driftings

probably a good time to start meditating again


i have had some intense dreams lately

a few nights ago i had a dream where max was introducing someone to me by the wrong name

then two nights ago i had a dream that i was hanging out with joanna newsom, which was so amazing, i didn’t want to wake up

and last night i had a mesh of subconscious wiggly wobblies involving my postcard project and spanish


speaking of that, i am working on a postcard project with a girl named christina

she is interesting and easy to talk to and we have a lot in common

tomorrow i am going to try to teach her how to sew

our project involves wood text on the letterpress and mini 3d glasses


kyle and i are obsessed with Oh Land right now

i’ve found that electropop is impossible to get unstuck from your brains

but she has just got an amazing voice


my friend okey came over tonight and we made pizza

last year he went to india to teach tibetan monks how to use photoshop


then mark came over to say goodbye and pick up his cannibutter/share his kush before his 2 month trip around the west with holly and his dog, rosemary

he is like 6 and a half feet tall and calls me sweetheart and darlin’


now i am high and tired and ready to drift into unconsciousness

trying not to think of the spanish homework waiting for me in the AM


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February 17, 2012

i don’t like being critiqued either. whatever, i’ll do what i want!

February 22, 2012

tomorrow makes a week since your last entry step it up yo 😛