a salut to andy roddick
first of all,the 100th birthday of my diary was the 29th of august.It shows that I finally found somewhere where I belong,finally people who understand me and have no problem with who I am and for that I’m so thankful.
for all the fans of tennis and any one who knows andy roddick,the last match in his carrer was vs delpotro,I cryed,it was really sad moment,it must feel horrible to leave the thing you love the most but in the same time it’s brave.so for andy roddick we respect you for that and I hope everyone send him a message or a tweet or any thing to appreciate what he accomplished in his carrer.
this week has been hell,and everytime I think that tings are better it turn up to hell again,I’m not really in the mood to write details but it’s about school.
any way,I hope everyone’s fine and have a good day!
please watch this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgNiGyeTk8 B
and this too,it’s where andy roddick’s wife crying and him self,it’s very emotional:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyfCR0ToN0g
please watch this too,it’s really important:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTW2-r7dOeA&feature=related