Thanksgiving Pork Chops

I dont know what it is…lately there have been nothing but assholes and idiots. Its been driving me and the crew batty…it must have been a full moon or something like that cuz we have been dealin with a lot of crap. Somebody got stabbed in the parking lot across the alley on Friday….it was nuts…poor guy got stabbed twice in the chest. From what I heard they had to massage the guy’s heart cuz he went into cardiac arrest..scary stuff. The cops were busy guys Friday night..there was a shooting at another club not far from mine, another stabbing at yer another club farther in the south end of town..and a barroom brawl at another club…absolutely insane. All us bouncers got into a scrap last Friday too…it was crazy…nothing would have happened of they had just left when they were told to..but no..they had to be idiots and try to fight us. It wasnt pretty but they got their asses kicked bad. The cops even got involved but we had the videotape..and we told them how it was and nothing more came of it. They were clearly in the wrong and the cops told them that too..too bad for them. Today is Thanksgiving here…I had my Thanksgiving pork chops…I’m satisfied…though turkey is nice I’m happy with what I had for dinner..hehe 🙂 Called the family today and asked how things were..things are goin ok back home..same ol’ stuff happening there. Anyhow…this ends here..I will return soon..Basta.

The Capo

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October 10, 2005