Kobayashi of the Hands

Regarding the guy wearing the throwback Nuggets jersey on May Day.

Asia, a coworker not from Asia: he is wearing the ugliest fucking jersey
Me: Haven’t seen it.
AB: oh my god it is the worst
you have to really love the nuggets because it should be set on fire
Å: They were a weird team for a while.

Å: You’re right. That Nuggets jersey is a wack look.
AB: yep
AB: he left his house today and was like "yea, this is okay."
"this is socially acceptable"
Å: "I look great in this."
AB: "go team"
Å: "Bumblebee is my spirit animal."
"Yellow is just so… me."
"The only thing I like more than closing deals is fit white people in the mountains."
"I hope the guy sitting across from me with massive hair finally notices me."
I’ll keep going as long as he’s got it on.
AB: i hope he doesn’t have meetings with any sort of clients today
i’m sure that jersey is actually losing us money
Å: "And this is our editorial team. They judge my outfits and keep us from making more money."
AB: "i should wear this everyday"
Å: "This is professional."
AB: "people must be jelly"
Å: "I love how it shows off my curves."
AB: "i need friends"
Å: "People take me seriously."
AB: i’ve eaten so much of this seaweed
Å: I don’t think he says that.
AB: sorry
"ooo, chicken mcbites?"
Å: "I love eating those with seaweed."

AB: look up
his nipples
i can’t handle this today
oh my god i almost made eye contact

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