Substance Dualism

For a short while:

Time moves backwards.

We are seated on the bed, sated and laughing.
You never have been able to inhale, but there are ways around that.

And maybe I don’t know what time is, or what age is, because it’s all much less linear than I’d presumed. Not just in this moment, but in all of it.

A whole comprised of two parts, rarely in harmony – insurrection on the cellular level, warring with the incorporeal.

For a short while:

We are seated on the bed, and nothing else matters but this. Your green eyes, my sharp tongue.

And time ceases to exist.

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August 31, 2023

Memories; misty water colored memories…

August 31, 2023

The older I get the more I realize it’s  all non-linear. This could be the future, or yesterday, or 20 years ago. Also, very much my plans for this weekend. Aging isn’t how I thought it would be.

September 1, 2023

@the-idiot The future, the past, the present. It’s all the same. But it’s also very different. Distinct. I am not who I was 20 years ago. Or 10 years ago. Or 10 years from now. What does that mean?


does it mean anything?

September 1, 2023


I am somewhat obsessed with progression and all the selves we can be in the course of a lifetime. Some things change in momentous, life altering ways. Some things barely change at all. Some things feel like a brief rewind.

I find my mind and my body aren’t always on the same page about this aging process, so the moments when everything aligns feel particularly precious.

September 1, 2023


It can mean anything. &/or nothing. But it’s rarely what I envisioned 20 years ago. Sometimes it’s minutiae and mundanity. This weekend it’s a day date and a new dress and edibles.

September 5, 2023

@the-idiot While I may Mr wear new dresses, I understand the appeal. As for the edibles, it’s on my list to get into.  I need someone to take that voyage with. I have that person in mind, but so far the universe has been uncooperative.

September 5, 2023

@laynemeyer2 it’s never too late to try a new thing 😂 but seriously, more about pain management now than when I was younger.

September 6, 2023

@the-idiot You make it sound very appealing. Maybe I should give the dress a go.